But what is different is that Apple's marketing doesn't have to be clever or utterly creative. In fact, it is stunningly not so. No major social media campaign needed to be sparked, no user-generated content contest needed to be held. And while the ongoing tongue-in-cheek anti-Microsoft ads are undeniably cute, they are not really an advertising revelation. Gone are the days of the bold "1984" campaigns.

Today, Apple has earned enough attention to forgo any ostentatious marketing, in fact, so much that a cleverly orchestrated campaign would distract from the brand rather than boosting it. The company simply displays its products - that's all it takes. Apple's products are viral without any viral marketing.

Viral and spreadable'
Before digging more into this, let's pause for a moment to examine the term viral,' which has come under scrutiny recently, not for the first time but more critically, since transmedia augur Henry Jenkins, in ever-so-dramatic fashion, "declared war on viral media." Jenkins wrote: "Until marketers understand the consumer's active agency and the social mechanisms shaping their circulation of content, they are doomed to insult and alienate the very people they are hoping to attract." Jenkins suggests we replace viral media' - and, by extension, viral marketing' as the discipline that produces viral media' - with the new term spreadable,' arguing that this would more accurately reflect the consumer's agency and the dynamics of content-sharing.

Fair enough, yet Jenkins, in his academic fervor, underestimates practitioners. They know the social mechanisms of sharing all too well and are perfectly capable of distinguishing between the built-in contagious distribution of a product and the spreading of cultural memes as content that accumulates meaning as it is passed on. They are not one and the same, but innovative cheap gucci handbags marketers use both notions and the outcome is similar, which is why, for the sake of simplicity, I will stick with the catch-all viral' in this post.

Advocacy and amplification
But back to Apple and the relationship between product and marketing innovation. At the Marketing 2.0 conference in Paris this spring, I had the pleasure of hearing Steve Knox from Tremor, Procter & Gamble's word-of-mouth marketing arm, illustrate the underlying cognitive principles of viral marketing.
In his view, there are two dimensions that matter: advocacy and amplification. If you have a strong brand advocate (a passionate user) but lack the appropriate channels to amplify his/her evangelism, you won't have much of a viral effect. You are stuck with early adopters, derived from sociologist Everett Rogers's "diffusion of innovations" theory and so perfectly portrayed by Rob Walker in his New York Times Magazine column, but without critical mass they will not convert into mainstream success.

On the other hand, if you muster strong amplification, yet for a product without vocal advocates, you will fall into the over-amplification trap: Awareness of the product will quickly dissipate or, worse, the over-exposure might backfire and inadvertently shed light on the product's flaws as the gap between visibility and user advocacy will create a suspicious gap just waiting for the blood-sucking blogosphere to be exploited.
Simply put: If you generate a lot of talk, but there's nothing to really talk about, you may end up with a lot of chatter, but no true social conversation - and thus no viral, no networked distribution.

Disruption and transcendence
So what makes a product worth talking about? Fox's theory is intriguing: he points to two main principles of viral effects that emulate cognitive models. First, the product needs to disrupt a cognitive schema, a mental model that the mind produces to consolidate divergent information into one convergent worldview.
We're lazy and fearful creatures, easily intimidated and overwhelmed, so cognitive schemata help us make sense of the world around us by simplifying it into templates. They allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting a vast amount of information. Here's an cheap coach handbags example: A plane in the air matches our mental model of a plane but a plane on the Hudson River presents a stark violation to our cognitive schema of a plane.

It will therefore create much more attention than the routine plane picture we're used to. It is - in other words - disruptive.


Bicara tentang cinta memang sangat banyak definisinya tergantung orang yang sedang mengalaminya,tapi ada yang bilang cinta itu ibarat kupu kupu semakin dikejar semakin lari dan kalau di diamkan ia akan menghampiri.

Cukuplah segitu penerangan tentang cinta..hehe,dan untuk kali ini kami akan coba sajikan Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kita pada kekasih bisa melalui mms Ataupun bisa untuk dp bbm agar sang pujaan hati  bisa tahu isi hati kita.

Daripada panjang lebar kesana kemari dan tak akan menemukan ujungnya bila sudah bicara tentang cinta lebih baik kita simak Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis berikut ini:

Itulah beberapa Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis yang dapat anada simak dan mudah mudahan ada manfaatnya....


Memiliki Rambut Indah Sehat dan Kuat atau tidak mengalami kerontokan merupakan keinginan semua orang khususnya bagi para wanita yang sangat menomor satukan penampilan terutama dalam masalah rambutnya,karena rambut merupakan mahkota yang sangat dijaga keindahannya.

Dalam hal ini jika kita memiliki rambut yang sehat kuat dan lebat akan sangat mudah untuk kita atur sesuai dengan model gaya rambut yang kita inginkan,akan tetapi tak sedikit pula para wanita yang sgak stres karena memiliki rambut yang mudah rontok,kering ataupun kusam walau sudah sangat maksimal perawatannya,.

Memang banyak cara yang dapat mengatasi rambut rontok,akan tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman banyak sekali yang dipadukan dengan bahan kimia sehingga sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan rambut itu sendiri,nah disini kita akan coba kasih Tips Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami. yang akan aman untuk kesehatan rambut kita.

Berikut beberapa Tips Cara Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami Dan Cepat:

1.Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Dengan Lidah Buaya
Lidah Buaya atau disebut aloevera memiliki kandungan vitamin dan mineral, Yang berguna untuk menyuburkan dan menebalkan rambut. Untuk pemakaiannya, Anda bisa mengambil lidah buaya, potong menjadi dua bagian untuk diambil lendirnya. Usapkan pada rambut yang masih setengah kering sambil dipijit-pijit yah. Diamkan selama 15 menit kemudian bilas hingga bersih.

2. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Dengan Teh Hijau
Teh hijau (green tea) itu mengandung antioksidan yang bermanfaat untuk melindungi rambut dari paparan polusi. Teh melati bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kilau rambut. Teh rasa mint bermanfaat untuk menyejukkan kulit kepala serta  menghilangkan lemak dan ketombe serta mengurangi rasa gatal di kulit kepala. Caranya cukup dengan menyeduh teh dengan menggunakan air panas, lalu endapkan selama semalaman. Air teh yang sudah basi tersebut, digosok-gosokkan ke kulit kepala. Lakukan sesaat sebelum keramas.

3. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok dengan Daun Seledri
Seledri  ternyata memiliki beberapa kandungan yang bermanfaat untuk rambut diantaranya kalsium, zat besi, natrium, vitamin A dan B. Seledri mampu menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut agar lebih sehat, kuat dan berkilau. Caranya, ambil beberapa batang seledri kemudian bersihkan dan di blender dengan telur yang sudah dikocok. Setelah semua tercampur rata, oleskan secara perlahan pada rambut sambil dijipit lembut. Diamkan selama 20-30 menit kemudian bilas.

4. Mengobati Rambut Rontok dengan minyak Zaitun dan minyak Kelapa
Minyak Panaskan minyak alami, seperti zaitun, kelapa atau canola. Lalu pijatkan dengan lembut minyak hangat tersebut ke kulit kepala. Tutup kepala dengan shower cap dan biarkan selama satu jam. Kemudian bilas rambut hingga bersih.

5. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Dengan Alpukat.
Untuk rambut kering. Karena alpukat  ini kaya akan asam lemak dan nutrisi. Caranya, hancurkan alpukat di dalam mangkuk, dan aduk sampai menjadi pasta kental. Kemudian, usapkan pada rambut mulai dari akar hingga ujung rambut. Lalu biarkan selama 20 menit. Setelah itu, bersihkan rambut dengan menggunakan sampo, kemudian bilas.

6.Mencegah Rambut Rontok Dengan Kemiri.
Kemiri  bayak digunakan untuk bumbu dapur,  manfaat lain dapat memperbaiki dan memperkuat rambut. Kandungan minyak di dalam kemiri, sangat baik bagi akar rambut. Caranya, kemiri ditumbuk kasar, lalu disangrai. Setelah itu, tumbuk hingga halus sampai keluar minyak. Gunakan minyak kemiri untuk creambath, lakukan sebelum keramas, lalu bilas dengan air bersih baru gunakan sampo untuk keramas.


Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Look like royalty when you wear our elegant Emerald Color Heart Celtic Knots Claddagh Dangle Earrings, which show the ancient Celtic tradition of making stunning culturally significant jewelry. Finely crafted by glistening .925 sterling silver, these chic yet inexpensive claddagh earrings have an trendy Celtic knot design and a beautiful emerald color glass heart. The heart, hands and crown are used to symbolize loyalty, love and friendship, and make a remarkable claddagh jewelry piece that will make everyone bow down to your fashionable grace. These pair of stylish yet affordable sterling silver dangle earrings are also the perfect gift for those born in the month of May, for Valentines day, or for anyone on your holiday gift list.

List Price : $61.99

Amazon.com Price : $29.99

Here is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Celtic Emerald Color Claddagh Heart Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

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If you find the right accent pieces for your office, you can rediscover what a joy it is to work from home. Here are just a few ideas to get you started creating the home office you've always wanted:
Mirrors - If you're looking for office and home decorating ideas on a budget, mirrors are an easy way to transform any space. A well placed mirror or two in your office can make the space look bigger, and it has the added benefit of making efficient use of the light.

This means that your office will be better and brighter than it ever was before.
Egyptian Dcor - Make your office space exciting again by adding exotic or interesting Egyptian dcor pieces. Visitors will be fascinated by replicas of King Tut's sarcophagus, or busts of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Egyptian dcor is one of those easy office decorating ideas that anyone can use to make their office more exciting and stimulating as a workspace.

Clocks - Every office needs a clock right? Why not make it a novelty clock? Count down the days to Friday on a fun bilingual clock or express your love of sailing with a nautical themed clock. Whichever clock suits your style, there's no reason to have a boring, utilitarian clock when you can get an artistic or fun timepiece to keep your mind on the important things in life!

Office Items - Gadgets and gizmos make the perfect accessories to a home office space. Whether you want to know the weather outside to just want a cool calculator or paperweight. Gadgets and executive style office items can lend some interest and professionalism to any office space.
Lend some interest to your desk with an executive pen set or letter opener and magnifying glass.

Globes - Every home office, den, or library needs a globe right? Bring old world style to your office with a classic wooden globe or place a modern black and white or crystal sphere on prominent display. Not only do you get an interesting dcor piece, but it's educational as well!


Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha atau lebih akrab dipanggil Rasya ini merupakan  anak dari artis Tamara Bleszynski dari suaminya terdahulu Teuku Rafly, Rasya merupakan aktris pendatang baru yang sedang digandrungi kalangan remaja terutama para wanita selain mempunyai wajah yang ganteng dan imut imut ini rasya juga dialiri darah seni dari ibunya dan juga bakat berbisnis dari ayahnya.

Di usia yang menginjak 15 tahun Teuku Rasya bisa dikatakan lagi dipuncak kepopuleran selain sedang menekuni dunia entertainment Rasya juga sedang meniti karir dibidang bisnis gadget,rasya memiliki outlet yang dinamai corner gadget.

Berikut  Kumpulan Foto Foto Dan Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha yang bisa menjadi obat penawar rindu bagi anda penggemar si ganteng rasya ini.




Profil Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha

Nama Lengkap : Tengku Rasya Islamy Pasya
Nama Panggilan : Rasya, Tengku Rasya
Tanggal Lahir : 4 Februari 1999
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Pelajar, Bisnisman
Nama Ayah : Teuku Ramly
Nama Ibu Kandung : Tamara Bleszynski
Adik : Kenzou Leon
Akun Twitter : @TRP_Rassya



They often delve into viral campaigns without fully understanding the intricacies of viral video branding; an ill-conceived viral video can ultimately damage brand image.
But fret not, we're here to clear up some common misconceptions.
Misconception 1: Viral videos require less time, effort and money to produce.
For some strange and obscure reason, many people (yes, marketers too) seem to believe that these videos require less time and effort to produce. Snap out of those thoughts, because a truly successful video requires meticulous planning, great consumer insight as well as an appropriate budget in order to make it all work out-unless you're lucky enough to get the right mix of elements such as content and timing right ALL the time.

The Old Spice video is a good case in point. It comes across as a low budget viral video advertisement. But guess what, a lot of effort, time and resources were spent in making it all happen.
In short, viral videos require more time, effort and money than many think they require.
Misconception 2: Viral is always GOOD.
Many viral video marketers are quick to glorify the successes of their videos. But it takes an astute critic to realise that they have seriously downplayed the possibility of the viral video backfiring on your brand. Instead of building the brand, a backfiring viral video can amass negative buzz which eventually damages the brand.

The bad news is that there is no accurate way to control or predict the outcome of the video. Consider the case of Sony, the creators of the award-winning PlayStation brand. Sony is a company celebrated for their creativity and innovation. The company decided to employ a viral marketing agency Zipatoni to create a viral video to drum up interest for their new handheld device the PlayStation Portable.
Everything took a turn for the worse from there. The video was so terrible that fans took it out against Sony on the social media sites.

Sony removed the video shortly. Making the following press statement.
"Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony. Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP." Sony Computer Entertainment America

Fortunately for you, we found a surviving copy of the video on Youtube! P.S: Disengage from source immediately if you experience any form of discomfort.
Misconception 3: The odds of a viral video is considerably high.
It might seem true to the man on the street that viral videos tend to have a high rate of success. Not surprising, given the fact that we've seen spectacular examples in recent years (especially those awesome Superbowl ads). Perhaps this has encouraged brand managers to be extremely optimistic with regard to viral videos' success rates.

But let's not sugarcoat the truth any further. Success is not guaranteed, even if a Brand engages a reputable viral video marketing agency.
Millward Brown, a Brand and Marketing Research firm conducted a research study which involved 102 video ads. The study revealed that only 15% of videos eventually become viral.
To Chase or Not to Chase?
The promise of viral campaigns are alluring indeed. Viral campaigns offer unprecedented levels of consumer engagement and massive levels of word-of-mouth marketing. But in order for it to all work out for the Brand, the Brand manager must have realistic expectations and prudent planning.

The fundamentals of marketing still stand; the expenditure on the Viral Campaign must be in some way relevant and justifiable to the core business.
With some common sense, and lots of planning, we hope brand managers will never make another mistake like this again.


Well viral Marketing works on pretty much the same basics except it won't harm any ones computer or still private information.
Viral Marketing starts by sending out information about a service or product in which the originator want you to buy or entice you to but so that they can make a profit this information can come in many different formats from Text, Audio, Images, Video or any other format the originator wishes to display and sell their product or service.

Viral Marketing has been around for some time now but has exploded recently some reasons for this would be the increase in broadband speeds giving people to ability to interconnect using different types of media including Email, Forms, Message Boards, Chat Rooms and most importantly Social Networking.
Social networking is like word of mouth and anyone who has worked in any type of marketing knows that word of mouth has to be one of the best types of advertising there is.

One type of viral Marketing that we have we have all seen at this stage is Viral emails to some people this can get very annoying because of the amount of unsolicited email that are clogging up their inbox but to me or you that have proven to be a very profitable niche.

This is so popular with people trying to sell products because they usually build up such a Hugh email list through opt in pages that they can keep their subscribers up to date with their new products or try different methods and approaches to swing their subscriber to buy products which they might have been selling from the start of their campaign.

I hope you now have a good understanding of Viral Marketing. If you are interested in this or creating viral ebooks you can find a lot more Free information here website
Best of luck Steven


Here you will find a selection of many different pieces of moss agate jewelry for sale. Browse through current eBay auction listings, Amazon jewelry selections, as well as find out where else you can shop for affordable, beautiful moss agate jewelry designs today. You'll also learn more about the properties of this material and the mystical powers associated with it - and see some of my own designs featuring this stone which might give you inspiration for your own beadwork in the future.
Moss agate pendants come in all colors and shapes! See all 9 photos Source: sockii Pendants for Sale on Amazon - To wear alone or in your own jewelry designsA single pendant is perfect for making a fashion statement - or if you create your own jewelry, you can use it as the centerpiece for a beaded necklace design.
Crystal point pendants are always popular for those who believe in the healing properties of stones.
Lucky Crystal Point Necklace in Moss Agate Gemstone Buy Now Moss Agate Sterling Silver Rhombic PendantMoss agate pendants are so unique, they really stand out in unique settings and unusual shapes. This piece of Siberian moss agate is perfect in a parallelogram!
Buy Now Matching square-cut earrings and pendants make a great gift set.
Facts and Folklore about Moss Agate - Things to Know...
Moss Agate is a semi-precious stone in the agate family, which is formed from silicon dioxide. Green minerals included in the silicon give moss agate its characteristic "mossy" look, which some also describe as looking like blue cheese.

Despite its name and appearance, there is no organic or mossy components in this stone - it is purely mineral based. Its colors can range from dark green to rusty orange, opaque and cloudy grey to almost perfectly clear.

Moss agate is found in many different regions of the world, and is also known as "Mocha Stone".

Spiritually, moss agate is considered the most powerful of all of the agates, and a stone used by warriors. It is believed to help balance emotional energy, increase endurance and improve concentration. When used in jewelry, it is believed to help bring friends and fortune to the wearer and is connected to the Heart Chakra. It can be used to help bring communication and connection to the "Plant Kingdom" and is considered useful in achieving success in crop agriculture and gardening.

Other varieties of agate include eye, tree, fire, snakeskin, blue lace and carnelian.
Reference sources:
* Moss agate gemstone meaning
* Moss agate - Wikipedia
* Moss agate - PaganSpace.net
Amulet Celtic Triquetra Protection Knot Moss Agate Good Luck Leather NecklaceAnother unique celtic design featuring agate and stainless steel.
Buy Now Celtic Triquetra Knot Protection Amulet Moss Agate Heart NecklaceI love the design of this gorgeous heart pendant - a perfect gift for someone you love.
Buy Now Pendants for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These Stones and PendantsOn eBay you can often find a wide variety available and often at discounted, even wholesale prices, direct from the manufacturer or designer. Sometimes you can find great vintage pieces as well.
30mm round donut ring gemstone pendant beads 1pc , 10 materials selectable
Buy Now Necklaces for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These Lovely DesignsFrom classic beadwork to modernistic, large necklaces that make a statement. Check out some currently running auctions below.
HERMOSA FIRE AMETHYST MOSS AGATE 925 Sterling Silver New Necklace 20" 586
Buy Now The Healing Properties of Moss AgateBracelets to showcase moss agate beads and stones See all 9 photos One of my beaded moss agate bracelets.Source: sockii Bracelets for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These Attractive DesignsDramatic, multi-stone designs set in sterling silver, or simple elastic bracelets of round beads...every style is available.
8mm Nature Natural Stone Gemstone Round Bead Stretchy Bracelets 7"/7.5"/8"/8.5"
Buy Now Where is this mineral found in nature?Check out the Mineralogy Database to find out! Their global map spotlights locations as well as describes the properties of this mineral in detail.
Bracelets for Sale on Amazon - Power bracelets to elegant cuffsDesigner Ellis Green Moss Agate Bead Infinity Clasp BraceletGenerous size, a classic design with sterling silver and moss agate combined.
Buy Now A seriously unique style that's sure to be a conversation starter! Made of gold-plated pewter and crushed stone chips.
Pame Design Crushed Cuff with Green Moss Agate Buy Now Moss agate earrings can be delicate yet eye-catching. See all 9 photos Moss agate earrings can be delicate yet eye-catching.Source: sockii Earrings for Sale on Amazon - Stud and dangle stylesAna Silver Co Green Moss Agate, Peridot 925 Sterling Silver Earrings 2" JewelryBeautiful drop style showcasing both green agate and lighter green peridot.
Buy Now Ana Silver Co Green Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Earrings 1 1/2" JewelryUnique, handcrafted silver earrings with a truly delicate look.
Buy Now Jan Michaels Antiqued Brass Plated Moss Green Stone French Lace Swag Dangle Post EarringsGo for a vintage look with this fabulous pair of earrings. To me they look like tiny pocketbooks!
Buy Now Orchid Cove Handcrafted Moss Quartz Gem Stone Earrings with Antique Finished Pewter Beads and Hypoallergenic Stainless Steel EarwiresClassic, understated elegance that works from casual to formal dress.
Buy Now Earrings for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These EarringsOne of the challenges with moss agate in earring designs is finding stones that match closely in color and inclusions.
Carnelian Moss Agate Black Agate Rose Quartz Tiger'e Eye Gemstone Hook Earrings
Buy Now Do you believe in the healing properties of stones? - Fact or Fiction: What's your opinion?Do you believe gemstones and minerals can have metaphysical, spiritual or healing properties?
Yes, I believe and I use stones for such purposes.

No, I think that's all a bunch of nonsense! I wear/collect stones because they are pretty.

I'm not sure.

Other (leave a comment!)
See results without votingRings for Sale on Amazon - Sterling silver settings that show off these one-of-a-kind gemsAna Silver Co Green Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Ring Size 7 JewelryA mystical, forest scene seems to appear out of the mist in this lovely ring.
Buy Now Ana Silver Co Large Green Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Ring Size 8 JewelryFor a more vintage look, try this design with elegant silver work and patterns.
Buy Now Rings for Sale on eBay - Bid Today on These RingsMoss agate makes for lovely rings when set in antiqued sterling silver or more modern designs.
Ana Silver Co Moss Agate 925 Sterling Silver Ring Size 8
Buy Now Make your own jewelry with moss agate beads See all 9 photos As a jewelry maker myself, I love using moss agate in my designs because of its versatility.Source: sockii Beads for Jewelry on Amazon - Stones in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes for Making Your Own JewelryI love working with moss agate when I'm making my own jewelry. The variety of colors, patterns and shapes available make each piece a unique challenge. Sometimes I like to keep a design focused purely on moss agate in light to dark shades. Otherwise, it works very well with different stones including onyx, turquoise, moonstone, hematite and malachite.
Genuine Moss Agate Gemstone Beads 4mm RoundTiny round beads that work great with pears, silver, and Czech glass.
Buy Now 8X16mm Twist Moss Agate Beads Strand 15 Inch Jewelry Making BeadsTwist beads are great for chunkier, more masculine jewelry. Try combining with onyx and hematite.
Buy Now Genuine Small Green Moss Agate 3mm Round Beads /16 Inch StrandThese small, delicate beads are perfect for earrings or weaving with tiny seed beads.
Buy Now A Strand Moss Agate Freeform Loose Bead 15.5 InchGo crazy with these freeform beads! Great for more artistic designs.
Buy Now Moss agate jewelry isn't just for women. It can make fore lovely mens fashion items like these cufflinks.
Moss Agate Cufflinks! - A unique gift item for him.Hanfords of London Handmade Gold Plated Cufflinks with Oval Green Moss Agate Stones. Birthstone for Gemini, May, June & September. Buy Now Where Else to Buy Moss Agate Jewelry and Beads - Links to Other RetailersAmazon and eBay aren't the only places to find jewelry and beads. Here are some other places you can find great designs and high-quality moss agate stones.

Moss Agate on Etsy
Find hand-crafted jewelry and beading supplies on Etsy.

Moss Agate Jewelry - Luckygemstone
Beaded and silver-set jewelry.

Moss Agate Jewelry - Earth's Treasure
Rings, earrings and pendants.

Fire Mountain Gems - Moss Agate Beads
One of the internet's largest suppliers for jewelry makers.
A few more of my designs... - Get inspired for making your own moss agate jewelryClick thumbnail to view full-sizeSee all 9 photosHere I've used moss agate, pewter, and adventurine.Source: sockiiSee all 9 photosI love the striking orange in this pendant piece; I've combined it with new jade, glass and sterling silver.Source: sockiiSee all 9 photosMoonstone is a wonderful accent in this necklace with the darker colors of the agate.Source: sockiiSee all 9 photosTurquoise and colored Czech glass beads complete this striking set.Source: sockiiWhat Stones and Materials Complement Moss Agate?Turquoise
Green adventurine
New jade
Zebra jasper
Other forms of agate
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Pietersite is a unique and powerful semiprecious gemstone growing in popularity with lovers of unique jewelry. You can find it used more and more in handcraf...

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Rainbow Fluorite is a semi-precious gemstone which can be utilized in attractive, unique jewelry designs. Rainbow fluorite, with its varying colors from blue...

Seraphinite - The Angel Stone
There is an ever-growing variety of unique and beautiful semi-precious gemstones on the market today, but few are as stunning as Seraphinite. In fact it's on...


Video marketing is a modern day technique of promoting a business online by creating a video about a product or services and posting it on free video hosting sites such as YouTube. Viral video means creating a video so that maximum people view it and the business succeeds in gaining potential customers through it.

While making a viral video, some proven techniques are used by the business owners in order to optimize their video and enable it to reach out to maximum number of targeted viewers within less time. They also closely follow the viral video tips offered by experts to gain the best results.

Viral video is a very effective marketing tool and by creating such a video you can easily draw in a large amount of traffic to your website. However, while creating such a video, there are certain things that you need to take care of, so that the results happen in your favor and nothing goes wrong, affecting your business in a negative way.

One of the most essential viral video tips that you should follow is, ensure that the video you have created is unique and completely different from the rest which are already existing online. If your video and the way of promoting your products and services is not new and impressive, then there is no point of creating such videos, as it will fail to draw the attention and interest of viewers.

If you want your video to spread out like a virus on the internet, then it definitely needs to be original and creative. Moreover, if your video is just a copy of another video, which has already existed on the World Wide Web for quite some time now, you will certainly miss out hits of viewers.

In order to make your viral video successful, you should try to make it funny or shocking, so that it easily grabs the attention of viewers. Many a times a controversial video may also work out positively for your business. Whatever, video you make, ensure it is not very long and is interesting to watch, so that more people view your video.

Besides all these viral video tips, one very important thing that you should remember while creating such a video is that, always get it edited and approved by an expert, so that you know you are on the right track.


Seperti kata bijak pada umumnya Gambar Kata Kata Bijak ini penuh dengan nasehat untuk kehidupan yang tentunya akan sangat berguna untuk kehidupan kita ini,namun dibalik semua nasehat yang terkandung dalam kata kata bijak tentunya akan banyak hikmah yang bisa kita ambil,untuk bekal di kehidupan ini biar berjalan wajar dan penuh ketenangan.

Gambar Kata Kata Nasehat ini jika kita telaah dan perhatikan dan dimengerti isinya tentu bisa di jadikan prinsip dan pegangan untuk kehidupan ini sehingga kita bisa bersikap arif dan bijaksana dalam menghadapi segala cobaan yang menerpa kehidupan kita.

Untuk itu disini kita akan coba berikan Kumpulan Gambar Kata Kata Bijak Nasehat Untuk Kehidupan yang mudah mudahan bermanfaat untuk kita yang membacanya,adapun gambar kata kata ini bisa kita gunakan sebagai update status facebook, twitter,Google+ , dan juga bisa kita gunakan sebagai DP BBM berikut gambar kata kata yang penuh dengan nasehat:



Mungkin Gambar Kata Kata Bijak diatas bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan menjadi nasehat yang baik dan bijaksana.


Bagi para wanita muslimah selain menjadi identitas berjilbab juga merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan karena sesuai aturan yang di ajarkan dalam agama islam,namun pada kenyataannya para wanita yang berjilbab sering mengalami kerontokan pada rambutnya, sehingga banyak wanita yang ragu untuk berjilbab karena alasan itu tadi membuat rontok rambut.

Namun kerontokan rambut para hijabers itu tidak melulu dikarenakan berjilbab karena kalau saja para hijabers memperhatikan dengan cermat tata cara berjilbab yang baik akan dapat mencegah kerontokan rambut yang berjilbab itu.

Untuk itu bagi wanita yang belum memakai jilbab tidak usah ragu dan takut untuk berjilbab,karena banyak cara untuk mencegah rambut rontok bagi yang berjilbab.
Berikut beberapa Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Bagi Wanita Berjilbab yang mudah mudahan bermanfaat:

1.Bagi yang berambut panjang jangan mengikat rambut terlalu kencang,bisa dibayangkan jika rambut diikat kencang lalu ditutupi selama seharian pasti akan menimbulkan ketombe dan pada akhitnya rambut mengalami kerontokan.

2.Harus pandai pandai memilih bahan jilbab,pilihlah bahan jilbab yang dapat menyerap keringat seperti katun paris dan hindari pemakaian yang terlalu sering dari bahan yang licin seperti sifon.

3.Perhatikan juga dalaman jilbab atau ciput yang digunakan,usahakan memakai dari bahan yang lembut,menyerap keringat dan jangan terlalu ketat.

4.Konsumsi makanan kaya protein seperti seafood,penuhi asupan vitamin B yang bisa didapat dari sereal,roti,daging merah,kuning telur,sayuran dll.

5.Usahakan untuk keramas tiap hari karena kondisi rambut yang tertutup seharian akan menjadi lembab dan mengakibatkan ketombe yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kerontokan.

6.Hindari paparan asap polusi,meskipun rambut tertutup jilbab bukan berarti aman dari paparan asap polusi,hindari sebisa mungkin paparan polusi yang terlalu banyak.

7.Ganti jilbab setiap hari,selain menjaga`agar kondisi tetap sehat dan bersih,mengganti jilbab setiap hari juga akan mengurangi resiko rambut rontok.

Itulah sedikit tips pencegahan kerontokan rambut bagi yang berjilbab


Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003

Tru-Spec Combat Tru Shirt ALarge, Long Ter Tiger Stripe Nyco Rip Stop, Small, Regular 2556003

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Miscellaneous NSN's - - Welcome to ...
Miscellaneous NSN's . This is a (poorly organized) list containing a large variety of military items, about 1/2 of which have NSN's associated with them.


Gambar Animasi Lucu merupakan video pendek yang berupa potongan potongan adegan yang sudah diparodikan sehingga terlihat lebih nyata dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca cerita lucu sehingga banyak sekali yang menggemarinya sama halnya dengan animasi kartun bergerak lucu yang lebih dahulu populer dan dikenal oleh masyarakat luas.

Animasi Bergerak Lucu bisa kita gunakan sebagai sarana hiburan yang dapat membuat tertawa bila melihatnya. seperti halnya gambar lucu,gambar animasi bergerak ini bisa digunakan sebagai DP BBM dan juga sering di download untuk digunakan sebagai wallpaper bahkan sering dijadikan komentar facebook.

Untuk itu disini kami coba akan menyajikan Kumpulan Gambar Animasi Bergerak Lucu yang mudah mudahan bisa dijadikan sarana hiburan sehingga dapat menyenangkan hati dan bisa membuat tertawa ngakak sepuasnya,berikut ini gambar animasi bergerak lucu yang layak untuk dilihat:

Animasi Lucu



Semoga Kumpulan Gambar Animasi Bergerak Lucu diatas dapat menjadikan hiburan untuk anda yang melihatnya.


Outside of the Internet, Viral Marketing has been referred to as "word of mouth," "creating a buzz," "leveraging the media," and "network marketing." But on the Internet, for better or worse, its called "Viral Marketing."
Why Use Viral Marketing? The purpose of Viral Marketing is to entice customers with a product or service that you can give them for a trial period or for free altogether. The attraction to the customer is that there are no strings attached. However, before the customers can use the free product or service, they have to sign up through your website. Now, you have a win-win situation. The customer is now able to use the product and you have generated a new lead for your business. Your list of leads sends messages to people who have experienced your product and will be able to tell their friends about it. Subsequently, those friends will tell other friends about your products and services. If your customers have had a positive experience with your products and services, most likely, they will become loyal customers who keep returning to you in addition to bringing in more prospects.
There are various Viral Marketing techniques from which you can choose. The choices are having emails sent to people to pass onto their friends, interesting videos to be watched and to be followed by link to your website, articles of interesting topics, or blog posts that talk about your business. Just like a virus, as the Email is transmitted from one person to another, the attached message is transmitted with it. On the Internet, one strategically placed message can reach millions of people with one click of the mouse. On the other hand; however, you need to be careful of the types of messages that you put on the Internet. Because of the extremely rapid pace of the transmission of information online, negative messages will spread just as quickly as positive ones, which can potentially be damaging to your business.
Key Points of Viral Marketing Strategy Some Viral Marketing strategies work better than others, and few strategies work as well as the simple Hotmail.com strategy. Here are some key Viral Marketing strategy points that you should include in your strategy. A Viral Marketing strategy doesnt necessarily have to contain all of these elements, but the more elements it embraces, the more powerful the results are likely to be.

Give away valuable products or services
The majority of Viral Marketing programs give away valuable products or services in order to attract the attention of the existing and potential customers. Free Email services, free information, free software programs that perform sophisticated functions but not as much as you get in the "pro" version. Cheap or inexpensive may generate a wave of interest, but free will generally accomplishes it much quicker. Free attracts visitors. Visitors then see other desirable things that you are selling, and, you start to earn money. Visitors bring valuable Email addresses, advertising revenue, and Ecommerce sales opportunities.

Make people feel something
A most important strategy is to create a very strong emotion. You need to have an opinion, to express an idea with commitment and dedication. You want peoples blood to be pumping with excitement. Viral Marketing is 100% about emotions.

Do something unexpected
This is self-explanatory. If you want people to notice your campaign, you have to do something that stands out - something unexpected. Forget about trying to promote your products as just being great - everybody does that. Forget about trying to make it look cool - everybody else has already gone down that road.

Provide for easy transfer to others
Viruses only spread when theyre easy to transmit. The medium that carries your marketing message must be easy to transfer and replicate: Email, website, graphic, software download. Viral Marketing works very well on the Internet because instant communication has become so easy and inexpensive. Digital formats make copying simple. From a marketing standpoint, you must simplify your marketing message so that it can be transmitted easily and without degradation. Use compelling short messages and place them at the bottom of every Email message.

Do not try to make bad advertisements
One of the biggest mistakes that companies make is thinking that Viral Marketing is just advertisements that people share - it is not. Viral Marketing is all about a good story. Forget about you, your product, or your company. Focus entirely on creating a good and interesting story. Of course, you can add your product into the mix, but it must not be the most important thing.

Have a good understanding of your customers
If you know your customer base, your Viral Marketing will be more successful. You should track and analyze what induces them to want to pass along your message. Clever Viral Marketing plans take advantage of common human motivation. Design a marketing strategy that builds on common motivations and behaviors for its transmission and you have a winner. If you can identify who your customer is, this Viral Marketing can be quite inexpensive and highly effective. Questionnaires and online surveys and can also be very helpful in getting inside of your customers head. The questionnaires and survey can and should be your most valuable resource when it comes to understanding what your customers want. Giving meticulous consideration to your customers needs and the promise to meet those needs is what will ultimately make your business a success.

Use existing communication and social networks
Most people are social. Each person has a network of 8 to 12 people in their close network of friends, family, and associates. A persons broader network may consist of hundreds or thousands of people. Learn to place your message into existing communications between people, and you will rapidly multiply the Viral Marketing dispersion.

Connect with comments
Another important concept is to connect with your audience. Remember, you got their attention, they are excited, and now they want to talk. Comments are one of the most effective ways to do this.
Keep in mind that the best Viral Marketing campaign is one that creates a strong emotion. This means some people will really like it - while others will get very angry. You have to accept both in your comments, and you have to welcome both opinions. But, at the same time, you must prevent individuals from waging war against each other. And, most importantly, connecting with people through comments means responding. Do not add comments if you do not want to participate yourself.

Take advantage of the resources of others
The most creative Viral Marketing plans use other peoples resources to get the word out. Affiliate programs, for example, place text or graphic links on other websites. Authors who give away free articles seek to position their articles on other web pages. A news release can be picked up by hundreds of periodicals and form the basis of articles seen by hundreds of thousands of readers. Now, someone elses newsprint or webpage is relaying your marketing message. Someone elses resources are depleted rather than your own.

Summary Viral Marketing can do well for your business. It can help generate more traffic and more income. People are lured to your site so you have to be creative in your Viral Marketing campaign. An important thing that is of concern, though, is that although Viral Marketing is an extremely effective tool and it is something to include in your list of online marketing strategies, the basic marketing rules still apply. Understand your products and services. Understand which demographics you are targeting. Have a clear understanding of your customers needs and on which products and services they will most likely spend their money as well as what will make them continue to return to you as customers. And, most importantly, figure out how what you have to offer them will make them bring their friends with them to you when they do return.


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JIAYU F1 is in your hand at only US$66.00! Don't think this phone is not worthy to work as a top android phone rather you will have the great services and full features of Google services on Android 4.2.2. A 512MB Ram will support most of the apps and games and play smoothly at MTK6572X1.0GHz Cortex A7 dual core on the 4 inch screen. 4 GB ROM can be extended to 64GB by TF card to have you more space for your media storage. 2400mAh greater battery storage can wake up this 144g lightweight top device for 2-3 days. Dual SIM and Dual Camera will make your life easier through this cheap android device!

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But first let us look at some of the causes of anger and impatience.
Why is everyone so impatient and angry lately? It seems that nobody has any tolerance anymore. Just take a look around you. If it isn't road rage, then it is just the general aggressiveness of people around us and it just seems to be getting worse.

Why people are so impatient nowadays is due to the fact that we live in a society of instant gratification. With all the advances in technology, we want everything to work quickly and efficiently and with no problems. The instant results we get from this technology have increased our appetite for instant gratification in other aspects of our lives.

We aren't willing to wait in line for anything. We would rather spend on credit then save up for anything. We don't even have the patience to read an entire article anymore.
Unfortunately, impatience has its downside in more ways than one. It can even cause us harm.
Impatience can cause anger issues. If for instance you were driving behind a slow vehicle, how many people will risk their lives passing, rather than wait until they are absolutely certain that it is safe to do so. Impatient people often make unsafe choices and bad decisions.

A recent study also found that impatience could also lead to obesity. It is far easier to eat fast food than wait for a healthy meal to be cooked.
Impatient people are also very likely to be chronic procrastinators, as they don't have to patience to see a difficult task through to completion. Impatient people are also more likely to abuse alcohol and this can also lead to violence.

Impatience can also lead to the loss of friendships. Impatient people have lost the ability to listen to meaningful conversation. Who wants to chat to somebody who is always in a rush or who taps their foot and looks at their watch when you are trying to talk to them?
So we need to make a conscious effort to work on our patience and anger levels. Take the time to see what triggers your anger. Work out if you are tired or hungry at the time, and then make a conscious effort to be more patient and less angry the next time the situation strikes.

Try to simplify your life. Multitasking does nothing for your stress or patience levels. It is difficult to stay focussed when you have too much on your plate. Beware of time wasting gadgets and hobbies. Try to plan your day in advance, and then try to stick to the plan.
Last but not least, try to be realistic. Don't expect things to always happen as fast as you would wish. Remember you can't always control circumstances. Rather focus on those circumstances that you can control. The reality of life is that it does little good to worry over the things that you can't control.


Well, at least when it comes to how I make my jewelry. I've learned so much from other people about how they create their pieces, that I want to help others in their jewelry making journey. Also, when people find out my monetary investment as well as the work that goes into each piece, I think they gain a better understanding and appreciation for handmade items.

Being a watercolor artist for 15 years, and now a jewelry designer for five years, I've come up with a way to wear my watercolor paintings as jewelry. I've combined my passion for watercolor painting with my passion for jewelry making. After painting and signing my miniature artwork, I create a frame using glass and solder.

Let me show you what I've done.
All photos by Gayle Dowell
Kansas Coneflower See all 5 photos Kansas Coneflower First Get the Right ToolsAny art medium or craft takes practice. Learning to control and master a craft takes time. Using the right tools and quality materials gives better results while practicing, keeping frustration to a minimum.

My first advice is to find a good quality soldering iron that allows temperature control. Buying different sized soldering tips allow work on different sized pieces. For jewelry I use a small tip, 1/8 inch. I use the Weller 100 watt soldering iron.
Purchasing a thermostat keeps the soldering iron at a constant temperature. A good heavy soldering stand is a must for safety. I have one that includes a sponge to keep my soldering iron tip clean. A third hand or some type of large clip are good for holding my piece while I solder as it keeps my hands from getting burned from the iron or the work as it heats up.

Soldering ToolsWeller 100 Watt Soldering Iron- Stained Glass SuppliesThis is the Soldering Iron that I use. You should get a 100 watt iron.
Buy Now Heavy Duty Soldering Iron StandBeing a safety nut, I purchased a stand to keep my hot iron off my desk and my lap!
Buy Now Eurotool Third Hand With Tweezers - HOL-165.00These are handy to have to keep fingers from getting burned. I use mine to hold my piece while I work.

Buy Now About the Third Hand
I have found that I can use a few clothes pins (the ones with the springs) easier and better than messing with a third hand. I put one or two, depending on the size of the piece I'm working on, close to the bottom so that it keeps the piece standing up while I work.
The Lamb See all 5 photos The Lamb Next Gather Up Some Basic SuppliesBesides tools that will last, supplies will be needed for creating the piece. Glass tiles, jewelry grade lead-free solder, adhesive backed copper tape, gel soldering flux, steel wool, solder polish, an old paint brush, and a bone folder are just some of the basic supplies that are needed besides the artwork that will be placed between the glass.

Glass tiles can be found in all shapes and sizes, beveled or not beveled, and colored or clear.
It's important to calculate the thickness of the piece with the art and the two pieces of glass before purchasing copper tape as the tape comes in different thicknesses depending on the thickness of the piece. Silver back copper tape is good to use if the piece is transparent and the back can be seen through the art.

It is best to match the adhesive side of the tape color with the resulting color of your solder. If the piece will be darkened with chemicals, use the black backed tape. For my work any copper tape will work as I fill the whole glass area with my art and the back cannot be seen through the piece.
For a more decorative look, wavy copper tape is available.

Using a gel flux is recommended as liquid flux can leak under the adhesive to your art between the glass.
There are different types of solder, be sure to use lead-free solder if making jewelry. I use Canfield Silvergleem. It produces a high shine and contains a good amount of sterling silver. It melts at 430F and has instant freeze which lets the artist sculpt designs with the solder.

I've also used Canfield - DGS which is a less expensive alternative, but is still lead-free, contains some silver and is easy to use.
Glass Tiles for Soldered ArtRanger Inkssentials Memory Glass, Clear Rectangle, 1-Inch by 3-Inch, 24/PkgRectangular pendants are popular. These rectangle memory glass tiles are a great size for pendants for necklaces.

Buy Now Copper TapeAn assortment of copper tapes in different widths to accommodate different glass thicknesses for different projects. You need to measure your two pieces of glass with your art inserted between. Use a tape thickness that will give you about 1/8" extra overlap on both sides, or a total of 1/4" extra.

1/2 inch x 55 yds Copper Foil Tape - (12mm x 50m) EMI Shielding Conductive Adhesive TapeAmazon carries many different widths of copper foil tapes for all thicknesses of work. Be sure to check them out.
Buy Now Flux and Other SuppliesLead Free Silvergleem Solder Wire - 1/2 Lb SpoolLead free solder is best for jewelry. I use the Silvergleem because of the higher silver content over other solders.

Buy Now Classic 100 Gel Flux - 8 OzFlux helps the metal solder to adhere to the copper tape more readily.
Buy Now Stormy Seas See all 5 photos Stormy Seas Resources for Soldered ArtLearning how to solder is easy if you have the right resources to learn. The following book and video are the resources I used to learn how to do this project.

Pretty Little Things: Collage Jewelry, Trinkets and KeepsakesThis is the book that I used in learning how to do this type of project . Several great projects using not only glass tiles but other glass surfaces.
Buy Now Soldering VideosGreat how-to videos that I used to learn the techniques of soldering.

Practice First to PerfectionThe above video will help you learn how to use the soldering iron and how to put together the piece for soldering. After watching the video and gaining information on the process of soldering, it would be good to practice soldering skills before starting on a masterpiece!

There is a definite learning curve. Stay relaxed and apply the solder with a light, controlled and consistent touch. Use a thin layer of solder and build up from there. After soldering use steel wool and polish to bring out a nice shine.
Strength of Faith See all 5 photos Strength of Faith Go the Next Step and Add EmbellishmentsAfter soldering, embellishments can be added. I use craft wire and shape it into a bail using round nose pliers. I use metal embellishments that are premade and also make my own from wire.

Embellishments add a nice touch and make each piece even more unique.
Silver Metal Embellishments and WireA collection of assorted embellishments will inspire creativity. Keeping these on hand is always a good idea to generate new ideas. If you do not have or can't find silver-toned embellishments to use, I have used brass and copper metal embellishments and coated the metal with gel flux and a thin coat of solder to match the soldered edges of my glass art.

eCrafty EC-5633 Jewelry Maker's Stamped Metal Charms and Pendants Mix, 50gmI've used non-silver embellishments and coated the metal with a thin coating of solder after a coating of gel flux. Works well for simple designs.
Buy Now


Fancy making a cupcake that's 25 times bigger than a normal sized one? With Big Top Cupcake, it is now possible!

It allows you and your family to have a fun-filled day baking cupcakes of your favorite flavors, and also with your favorite ice-cream, whipped cream, fresh fruit, mousse, etc. The opportunities are endless (limited only by your wildest imaginations).

And in case you are wondering, the Big Top Cupcake mold is very easy to you - All you need to do is to pour your filling into the molds, bake it, and decorate it - And you're done!

Key Benefits About The Big Top Cupcake

In this section, we will be talking a look at some of the key benefits that you will be able to enjoy from with the Big Top Cupcake, and they are:

1. Easy To Use

Making a cupcake is very easy with the Big Top Cupcake. Also, the package comes along with a manual with design ideas to help you along with designing a perfect cupcake.

2. Non-Stick, Therefore It Is Easy To Wash

Most of us love cooking, but hate all the washing - Especially if we have to spend time scrubbing all the remaining on the pain. The silicone pans of the Big Top Cupcake are non-stick, making washing a breeze. Also, they are dishwasher friendly, so you can pop it into your dishwasher (if you have one at home).

3. Oven & Microwave Safe

This product is both oven, as well as microwave safe. So you can bake your cupcake either using a conventional oven, or in your microwave (if yours has a baking feature).

Customers' Feedback About The Big Top Cupcakes

Moving on, let us now take a look at what fellow customers are saying about the Big Top Cupcake.

Most of the customers who have bought and used it have given the product their thumbs up. And some of the positive points that customers have feedback include: They said the product works exactly as advertised, and it allowed them to bake perfect cupcakes (where the top and bottom of their cupcakes turned out very nicely after baking).

Customers have also feedback that, compared to a normal cupcake, which serves only one, this cupcake can serve lots of people - Which is another thing they like about the Big Top Cupcake.

Also, many like the fact that the pans are dishwasher safe.

However, on the negative side, some of them said that especially for those who have not baked a cake before, it might take them some time in order to be able to bake a perfect cupcake using the product. Also, another point that some customers have highlighted is in the baking time - In that they need to experiment baking a couple of times before they finally figure out the perfect baking time (in that the entire cupcake came out perfect).

Our Final Verdict

Whether is it for birthdays, anniversary celebrations, or various parties, the Big Top Cupcake will definitely come very handy in helping you bake delicious cupcakes that can serve many guests.

It is easy to use, non-stick, dishwasher safe. On top of that, many customers who have bought it have posted very positive feedback about it.

All in all, we feel that if you love baking, then the Big Top Cupcake is something you will want to have in your kitchen.


The main idea behind viral processing is to stop the viruses in a given sample from infecting the desired product. The two most widely used methods of viral processing are viral removal and viral inactivation. The former is a method in which all viruses are simply removed from the sample completely.

Viral Change is an innovative and highly effective approach to managing change in organizations. Essentially, a small set of non negotiable behaviors are defined and a process to encourage and spread these behaviors is adopted. These behaviors are imitated, endorsed by a small network of people, and this spreads new ways of doing things, quickly and effectively.

Its strength lies in peer to peer networks, supported by dialogue and conversation, to create sustainable cultural changes and spread an internal infection of success. Viral Change is closer to infection of ideas or behaviors than to the traditional rational appeal and cascaded down initiatives of change.

Viral Change is an innovative and highly effective approach to managing change in organizations. Its strength lies in peer to peer networks, supported by dialogue and conversation, to create sustainable cultural changes and spread an internal infection of success. It is a small set of non negotiable behaviors are defined and a process to encourage and spread these behaviors is adopted, these type of behaviors is imitated endorsed by a small network of people, and spread new ways of doing things, quickly and effectively.

The Study of viruses is called as virology. A virus is defined from the Latin. Virus meaning is toxin or poison. Viruses infect all cellular life. This is a sub microscopic infectious agent whom is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell. Now a days more than 5,000 virus have been described.

Being viral means that some or more posts from your blog become very popular in very short time. They spread like virus, hence the name viral. Your posts can become viral with help from social networks like and lately increasingly popular Stumble upon.

The Viral Article Publisher is an invaluable software solution, which is extremely easy to use and which saves you from having to submit articles manually to all of the top free article sites though it does contain that option in case you want to hand submit an article to one or a few select sites.

Those objects or patterns able to replicate themselves or convert other objects into copies of them when these objects are exposed to them are known as Viral Phenomena. An object, even a non-material object, is considered to be viral when it has the ability to spread copies of itself or change other similar objects to become more like it when those objects are simply exposed to the viral object.

These objects are known as viral objects. This has become a common way to describe how thoughts, information and trends move into and through a human population. The concepts of other than a biological virus, being viral came into vogue just after the Internet became widely popular in the year 1900s.


Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Introducing our gorgeous Silver Celtic Knots Double Heart Drop Earrings. These marvelous drop earrings will make you look like a unique and charming beauty. Finely crafted with high polished .925 sterling silver, these elegant yet affordable Celtic knot earrings feature two sterling silver Celtic knot hearts, and has a smooth radiant round garnet gemstone in the middle. These pair of enchanting heart earrings is the perfect accessory for Valentines day or any special occasion. Feel alluring and unique with these trendy mystical Celtic earrings, which make the perfect present for those born in the month of January, Celtic lovers, or for anyone on your holiday list.

List Price : $91.99

Amazon.com Price : $39.99

Here is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Double heart Celtic knot drop earrings
garnet gemstone
1 in L x 0.25 in W
.925 Sterling silver
Total weight is 3 grams

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Salam Sejahtera... mungkin saat ini waktu yang sangat tepat untuk mempostingkan Cerita Lucu dikarenakan situasi kondisi saat ini lagi penuh ketegangan dengan adanya pemilu,pileg atau apa saja.tentunya dari pada berada dalam ketegangan mendingan kita cairkan dengan hiburan yang tentu akan sangat menghibur seperti cerita lucu ini ataupun kata kata lucu lainnya pokoknya dengan hal hal yang lucu dan penuh dengan humoran.

Untuk itu disini kami akan coba berikan  Cerita Humor Singkat Lucu Kocak Bikin Ngakak yang bisa menghibur kita semua dan akan membuat pembacanya senang tertawa sepuasnya dan bisa melupakan kesedihan ketegangan atau apa saja yang membuat pikiran ruwet.

cerita lucu

Mari kita simak aja Cerita Lucu yang Kocak dan tentunya akan membuat kita ngakak tertawa terbahak bahak:

Muhe Orang gaptek dan Ceno Orang Kepinteran Berbincang Di pameran Komputer.

Muhe : "Ceno, mau nanya dong? 'ENTER' itu maksudnya apa?"

Ceno dengan sigap menjawab: "Kayaknya untuk mempercepat program deh muh!"

Muhe : "Mempercepat gimana maksudnya Cen?"
Ceno : "Ya biar cepet kerjanya Muh. kalo tulisan nya ENTAR, khan jadinya lamaaa!!"

Muhe: "Oww, tanya lagi ya Cen, ini saya sudah masuk ke Internet Explorer. Kok saya ketik Facebook.com,ngak keluar apa-apa yah?"

Ceno : "Lah, di depan nya udah ngetik www nya belum Muh?"

Muhe : "Memangnya harus ya Cen, sebenarnya www itu apa?"

Ceno: "Eeeehhmmmm... Apa yah? Pokoknya kalo mau masuk ke website memang harus ketik www itu Muh, kode permisi gitu lhooh. kayak nya kalau ngak salah singkatan dari :
Wassalammualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokaatu..."

Muhe:..oh gituu ajiiibb juga ya cen....hehe

Cerita Lucu si Muhe

Si Muhe sedang buru-buru menuju ke kantornya karena kesiangan bangun dan tak sengaja dia menabrak seekor burung di tengah perjalanannya karna menendarai mobilnya dengan sangat cepat dilihatnya burung itu, ternyata kepalanya terluka dan burung itu pingsan karna merasa iba dan bersalah kepada burung itu maka dia memutuskan untuk pulang sesampainya dirumah ditaruhlah burung itu dalam sangkar besi dan diciprat2inya air, tapi burung itu gak sadar juga keesokan harinya ketika dia mau berangkat ke kantor diberinya air dalam wadah kecil dan roti dalam sangkar burung itu dipikirnya 'nanti setelah burung itu sadar pasti dia sangat haus dan lapar' dan dia berangkat kerja seperti biasa.... burung itu ternyata sadar juga burung itu melihat sekitar dilihatnya ada air minum dan septong roti.. terus dia melihat sekelilingnya ternyata dia ada di dalam jeruji besi dan burung itu berkata dalam hati sambil menangis... Oh... Tuhan rupanya kemarin aku menabrak pengendara mobil pasti dia meninggal sehingga aku sekarang di penjara. Maafkan aku Tuhan aku tak sengaja...gkgkgkgk.

Pemuda Dan Polisi

Dua orang pengendara motor berhenti pada lampu
merah dan bermaksud menanyakan jalan pada pak

Pemuda : "Pak...pak,mohon ma'af,numpang
nanya?? kalo jalan terdekat mau ke rumah sakit lewat mana ya

Polisi : "Ooh rumah sakit ya dek...!setelah
lampu merah
kamu jalan terus trus ada gang kamu belok kiri lalu
lewat jembatan belok kanan ada empat gang kamu
lurus setelah itu belok ke kiri???jwb pak

Pemuda : "Smbil garuk garuk kepala pemuda tsb
bertanya kembali.....pak !!! Kejauhan apa ndak ada jalan
pintas biar lebih cepat gitu???

Polisi : "Kamu maunya jalan pintas???Polisi
balik bertanya..gampang kok itu lampu merah kamu srobot trus tabrakin kamu ke truck....ntar juga ada ambulans jemput
langsung masuk rumah sakit!!!?


Bahaya Merokok

Ibu : "Bapak! sudah diberitahu berkali-kali masih juga merokok, rokok itu kan hanya menghambur-hamburkan uang saja!"

Ayah : "Iya saya tau"

Ibu : "Berarti bapak setuju dengan adanya banyak pabrik rokok di negara ini, yang hanya membuat bangsa ini melarat?"

Ayah : "Sebenarnya saya gak setuju dengan adanya pabrik rokok di negara kita ini!"

Ibu : "Trus, knapa masih merokok?"

Ayah : "Sebenarnya ingin sekali Ayah membakar pabrik rokok itu... tetapi apa daya... itu melanggar hukum, maka dari itu Ayah bakar satu-satu!"

ibu : "@#$%%^"

Tukang Ojek Dan Wanita Tua

Pada suatu malam, Bihin seorang tukang ojek yang sedang menunggu pelanggan lagi duduk termenung.kemudian datanglah seorang wanita tua yang mendatangi saya..

Wanita: Mas, ojek dong..

Bihin: Iya bu.. Kedaerah mana ya bu?

Wanita: Ikut aja, nanti saya tunjukin jalannya..

Bihin: Baik bu..

Kemudian mereka pun berangkat menuju kerumah sang wanita tua tersebut..

Wanita: Mas, belok kiri..
Bihin: Baik bu..
Wanita: Kanan mas..
Bihin: Oke..
Wanita: Lurus mas, trus belok kanan lagi dan ambil jalan kiri setelahnya... Turun gunung ada jalan kekiri, setelah lewat sungai kanan ya..
Bihin: Rumah ibu yang mana?
Wanita: Masih lurus lagi mas, pertigaan belok kanan, ada gang kecil disamping kuburan itu rumah saya..
Bihin: Oh iya bu..

Akhirnya sampailah mereka kerumah wanita tua..
Wanita: Berapa mas?
Bihin diam saja ketika ditanya..

Wanita itu kemudian memberikan uang sebanyak 5 ribu rupiah.. Namun tiba-tiba Bihin terlihat sedih dan menangis..

Wanita: Kenapa mas? kurang uangnya? kalo kurang saya tambah 10 ribu ya..

Namun Bihin malah menangis lebih kencang lagi..

Wanita: Masih kurang mas? jangan nangis gitu dong mas.. Ini 50 ribu buat mas dan langsung pulang aja soalnya udah mulai gelap..
Bihin pun bertambah kencang

Wanita: Ada apa sih mas?
Bihin: Sebenarnya saya baru pertama kali ngojek bu, saya lupa jalan pulangnya...

Cerita Si Inem Dan Ikan Mas Ajaib

Pada suatu hari si inem yang tingal di daerah pedalaman yang sangat terpencil pergi ke sebuah sungai untuk mencuci pakaian yang kebetulan sudah seminggu dikumpulkan dalam sebuah keranjang cucian sehingga dapat di bayangkan menumpuknya pakaian yang kotor sekaligus bau punya si inem dan suaminya paijo.
Singkat cerita hampir setengah dari pakaian yang cuci si inem,tak sengaja si inem menoleh ke samping terlihat seekor ikan mas berwarna merah lagi terjepit diantara bebatuan sungai,kemudian tak berpikir panjang si inem menghampiri ikan mas tersebut dan mengambil ikan mas tersebut namun tak dinyana si inem sangat terkejut ketika menangkap ikan mas itu, karena  betapa ajaibnya ikan mas itu bisa bicara:

Ikan Mas : terimah kasih inem, kamu sudah menolongku dari keadaan yang sulit

Inem : Kaget "hah" yaaa yaaa (sambil terbata bata karena ketakutan.

Ikan Mas : Tenang Inem aku tidak akan apa apakan kamu gak usah takut, malahn aku akan membantu kamu ayo sebutkan saja 3 permintaan kamu yang akan aku kabulkan.

Inem : beneran nih,,, aku pengen merubah wajahku yang jelek ini menjadi cantik..!

Ikan mas : sambil memercikan air dari ekornya kewajah si inem,sekarang lihatlah wajah kamu menjadi sangat cantik namun wajah suamimu si paiji 10x lipat menjadi ganteng.

Inem : terima kasih ikan,, sekarang wajahku menjadi sangat cantik,dan suamiku paijo menjadi ganteng.

Ikan mas :  Ayo permintaan yang kedua apa nem?

Inem : aku pengen kayaaaa karena aku bosan hidup miskin.

Ikan mas: okelah kalo begitu dengan sekali semburan 
'seketika si inem menjadi kaya" dan tak ketinggalan si paijo 10x lipat menjadi kaya. terus apalagi permintaanmu

Inem : terima kasih ikan mas,sekarang aku minta penyakit jantung yang ringan ringan saja.

Ikan mas: giiiiillaaaaaaa lu nem dasar kamu istri yang durhaka kamu pengen suamimu mampus karena aku kasih 10x lipat penyuakit jantung dasar istri kurang ajar. ikan mas itu pergi menghilang dan si inem menangis karena wajah dan hartanya yang telah diberikan ikan mas itu raib entah kemana.

Itulah sedikit cerita lucu singkat yang bisa membuat anda tertawa dan dapat menjadi hiburan yang tak akan pernah tergantikan sekian.


There are many VPN services that offer mobile device app for their users. This is reasonable because there are many mobile users from around the world these days. Hide My Ass and IP Vanish are two most popular VPN services in the world. Many people are interested to use both services in their mobile devices.

In this review, you are able to learn about both services.

Are you looking for the best VPN server that can meet your purposes? You can find many high quality VPN services that are available on the Internet these days. Hide My Ass and IP Vanish are two most popular VPN services. There are many customers who want to use these services for supporting their business.
These services offer a lot of benefits and features for all users. Both of them have mobile device apps for their mobile users. If you use your mobile device a lot, you may want to consider these mobile device apps. You can get some information about these mobile device applications from Hide My Ass and IP Vanish from this article.

1. Hide My Ass.
Hide My Ass is a popular VPN service that is available on the Internet. There are many people using this service for supporting their needs and purposes. This service has mobile app for all users. It means that this service can be accessed from your mobile devices easily.
Hide My Ass can be accessed from any types of mobile devices. It has an app for iOS devices. This service can be accessed from the Android phone without using any software. There are many benefits offered by this mobile app.

Easy Installation.
This is a benefit that you can get from Hide My Ass VPN mobile app. This application can be installed in your mobile devices easily. You do not have to do any complicated procedures when installing this app. It may only take about several minutes when you want to install this Hide My Ass mobile app in your favorite mobile devices.
Because of this easy installation procedure, many people are able to use this software in their mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android tablets, Android phones, and many other gadgets.

Secure Connection.
If you are looking for the secure VPN connection, you may want to consider Hide My Ass. This service is equipped with security system that can protect your credentials when browsing on the Internet. You can apply a password to protect your account and any other important information in your mobile device.
This is an important feature that you should have when choosing the right VPN service. That is the reason why Hide My Ass VPN mobile app is very popular among many people these days.

2. IP Vanish.
IP Vanish VPN is one of the premium VPN services in the world. This company has mobile app for all mobile users. This mobile app can be accessed from several different platforms, including iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, and many other devices.
This mobile app can be accessed from iOS or Android system. It means that you can use this mobile app for any types of your mobile devices. You can simply put your login information in the mobile app before you can get access to the server. The installation process is very simple to do.

Here are some benefits offered by this mobile app from IP Vanish.
Secure and Fast Connection.
This mobile app can be used to access more than 7000 IPs from 47 countries around the world. This system is created to provide the most convenient Internet browsing in mobile phone. There are many people using this mobile app for improving the security in their mobile devices.

This mobile app is equipped with PPTP and L2TP protocols. These versions may ensure that you get secure and quick connection to its VPN server. This VPN service can ensure that you can get access to some websites safely. You can protect your online identity and data safely.

Supported by 24/7 customer service.
IP Vanish mobile device app is supported by 24/7 customer service. It means that you can contact its customer care representatives when you have any problems with the server. This is a great feature offered by this service. You do not have to worry when you face any issues when using this VPN mobile app service.

This company is committed to give the best service for all customers. It has professional and friendly customer care agents who are ready to help you solve any problems that you may have.

Competitive Pricing.
This is another benefit that you can get by choosing the IP Vanish VPN mobile app service. This service offers very competitive pricing for all users. You can enjoy high quality service at very affordable price. Because of that reason, many people are interested to choose this VPN service.
This service is very suitable for all people who want to get access to the fastest VPN connection at very affordable rate. You do not have to spend a lot of money when using this VPN service for any purposes.

Those are some benefits and features offered by Hide My Ass and IP Vanish. If you want to find the best VPN service, you may want to consider these services. They receive a lot of positive reviews from all customers. These reviews show that these services are very popular these days.
They can provide the best service for all customers. You can rely on the performance of these VPN services. Both services provide you with mobile apps that allow you to access their servers from your mobile devices.
