But what is different is that Apple's marketing doesn't have to be clever or utterly creative. In fact, it is stunningly not so. No major social media campaign needed to be sparked, no user-generated content contest needed to be held. And while the ongoing tongue-in-cheek anti-Microsoft ads are undeniably cute, they are not really an advertising revelation. Gone are the days of the bold "1984" campaigns.

Today, Apple has earned enough attention to forgo any ostentatious marketing, in fact, so much that a cleverly orchestrated campaign would distract from the brand rather than boosting it. The company simply displays its products - that's all it takes. Apple's products are viral without any viral marketing.

Viral and spreadable'
Before digging more into this, let's pause for a moment to examine the term viral,' which has come under scrutiny recently, not for the first time but more critically, since transmedia augur Henry Jenkins, in ever-so-dramatic fashion, "declared war on viral media." Jenkins wrote: "Until marketers understand the consumer's active agency and the social mechanisms shaping their circulation of content, they are doomed to insult and alienate the very people they are hoping to attract." Jenkins suggests we replace viral media' - and, by extension, viral marketing' as the discipline that produces viral media' - with the new term spreadable,' arguing that this would more accurately reflect the consumer's agency and the dynamics of content-sharing.

Fair enough, yet Jenkins, in his academic fervor, underestimates practitioners. They know the social mechanisms of sharing all too well and are perfectly capable of distinguishing between the built-in contagious distribution of a product and the spreading of cultural memes as content that accumulates meaning as it is passed on. They are not one and the same, but innovative cheap gucci handbags marketers use both notions and the outcome is similar, which is why, for the sake of simplicity, I will stick with the catch-all viral' in this post.

Advocacy and amplification
But back to Apple and the relationship between product and marketing innovation. At the Marketing 2.0 conference in Paris this spring, I had the pleasure of hearing Steve Knox from Tremor, Procter & Gamble's word-of-mouth marketing arm, illustrate the underlying cognitive principles of viral marketing.
In his view, there are two dimensions that matter: advocacy and amplification. If you have a strong brand advocate (a passionate user) but lack the appropriate channels to amplify his/her evangelism, you won't have much of a viral effect. You are stuck with early adopters, derived from sociologist Everett Rogers's "diffusion of innovations" theory and so perfectly portrayed by Rob Walker in his New York Times Magazine column, but without critical mass they will not convert into mainstream success.

On the other hand, if you muster strong amplification, yet for a product without vocal advocates, you will fall into the over-amplification trap: Awareness of the product will quickly dissipate or, worse, the over-exposure might backfire and inadvertently shed light on the product's flaws as the gap between visibility and user advocacy will create a suspicious gap just waiting for the blood-sucking blogosphere to be exploited.
Simply put: If you generate a lot of talk, but there's nothing to really talk about, you may end up with a lot of chatter, but no true social conversation - and thus no viral, no networked distribution.

Disruption and transcendence
So what makes a product worth talking about? Fox's theory is intriguing: he points to two main principles of viral effects that emulate cognitive models. First, the product needs to disrupt a cognitive schema, a mental model that the mind produces to consolidate divergent information into one convergent worldview.
We're lazy and fearful creatures, easily intimidated and overwhelmed, so cognitive schemata help us make sense of the world around us by simplifying it into templates. They allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting a vast amount of information. Here's an cheap coach handbags example: A plane in the air matches our mental model of a plane but a plane on the Hudson River presents a stark violation to our cognitive schema of a plane.

It will therefore create much more attention than the routine plane picture we're used to. It is - in other words - disruptive.


Bicara tentang cinta memang sangat banyak definisinya tergantung orang yang sedang mengalaminya,tapi ada yang bilang cinta itu ibarat kupu kupu semakin dikejar semakin lari dan kalau di diamkan ia akan menghampiri.

Cukuplah segitu penerangan tentang cinta..hehe,dan untuk kali ini kami akan coba sajikan Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kita pada kekasih bisa melalui mms Ataupun bisa untuk dp bbm agar sang pujaan hati  bisa tahu isi hati kita.

Daripada panjang lebar kesana kemari dan tak akan menemukan ujungnya bila sudah bicara tentang cinta lebih baik kita simak Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis berikut ini:

Itulah beberapa Gambar Kata Kata Cinta Romantis yang dapat anada simak dan mudah mudahan ada manfaatnya....


Memiliki Rambut Indah Sehat dan Kuat atau tidak mengalami kerontokan merupakan keinginan semua orang khususnya bagi para wanita yang sangat menomor satukan penampilan terutama dalam masalah rambutnya,karena rambut merupakan mahkota yang sangat dijaga keindahannya.

Dalam hal ini jika kita memiliki rambut yang sehat kuat dan lebat akan sangat mudah untuk kita atur sesuai dengan model gaya rambut yang kita inginkan,akan tetapi tak sedikit pula para wanita yang sgak stres karena memiliki rambut yang mudah rontok,kering ataupun kusam walau sudah sangat maksimal perawatannya,.

Memang banyak cara yang dapat mengatasi rambut rontok,akan tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman banyak sekali yang dipadukan dengan bahan kimia sehingga sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan rambut itu sendiri,nah disini kita akan coba kasih Tips Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami. yang akan aman untuk kesehatan rambut kita.

Berikut beberapa Tips Cara Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Secara Alami Dan Cepat:

1.Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Dengan Lidah Buaya
Lidah Buaya atau disebut aloevera memiliki kandungan vitamin dan mineral, Yang berguna untuk menyuburkan dan menebalkan rambut. Untuk pemakaiannya, Anda bisa mengambil lidah buaya, potong menjadi dua bagian untuk diambil lendirnya. Usapkan pada rambut yang masih setengah kering sambil dipijit-pijit yah. Diamkan selama 15 menit kemudian bilas hingga bersih.

2. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Dengan Teh Hijau
Teh hijau (green tea) itu mengandung antioksidan yang bermanfaat untuk melindungi rambut dari paparan polusi. Teh melati bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kilau rambut. Teh rasa mint bermanfaat untuk menyejukkan kulit kepala serta  menghilangkan lemak dan ketombe serta mengurangi rasa gatal di kulit kepala. Caranya cukup dengan menyeduh teh dengan menggunakan air panas, lalu endapkan selama semalaman. Air teh yang sudah basi tersebut, digosok-gosokkan ke kulit kepala. Lakukan sesaat sebelum keramas.

3. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok dengan Daun Seledri
Seledri  ternyata memiliki beberapa kandungan yang bermanfaat untuk rambut diantaranya kalsium, zat besi, natrium, vitamin A dan B. Seledri mampu menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut agar lebih sehat, kuat dan berkilau. Caranya, ambil beberapa batang seledri kemudian bersihkan dan di blender dengan telur yang sudah dikocok. Setelah semua tercampur rata, oleskan secara perlahan pada rambut sambil dijipit lembut. Diamkan selama 20-30 menit kemudian bilas.

4. Mengobati Rambut Rontok dengan minyak Zaitun dan minyak Kelapa
Minyak Panaskan minyak alami, seperti zaitun, kelapa atau canola. Lalu pijatkan dengan lembut minyak hangat tersebut ke kulit kepala. Tutup kepala dengan shower cap dan biarkan selama satu jam. Kemudian bilas rambut hingga bersih.

5. Mengatasi Rambut Rontok Dengan Alpukat.
Untuk rambut kering. Karena alpukat  ini kaya akan asam lemak dan nutrisi. Caranya, hancurkan alpukat di dalam mangkuk, dan aduk sampai menjadi pasta kental. Kemudian, usapkan pada rambut mulai dari akar hingga ujung rambut. Lalu biarkan selama 20 menit. Setelah itu, bersihkan rambut dengan menggunakan sampo, kemudian bilas.

6.Mencegah Rambut Rontok Dengan Kemiri.
Kemiri  bayak digunakan untuk bumbu dapur,  manfaat lain dapat memperbaiki dan memperkuat rambut. Kandungan minyak di dalam kemiri, sangat baik bagi akar rambut. Caranya, kemiri ditumbuk kasar, lalu disangrai. Setelah itu, tumbuk hingga halus sampai keluar minyak. Gunakan minyak kemiri untuk creambath, lakukan sebelum keramas, lalu bilas dengan air bersih baru gunakan sampo untuk keramas.


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If you find the right accent pieces for your office, you can rediscover what a joy it is to work from home. Here are just a few ideas to get you started creating the home office you've always wanted:
Mirrors - If you're looking for office and home decorating ideas on a budget, mirrors are an easy way to transform any space. A well placed mirror or two in your office can make the space look bigger, and it has the added benefit of making efficient use of the light.

This means that your office will be better and brighter than it ever was before.
Egyptian Dcor - Make your office space exciting again by adding exotic or interesting Egyptian dcor pieces. Visitors will be fascinated by replicas of King Tut's sarcophagus, or busts of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Egyptian dcor is one of those easy office decorating ideas that anyone can use to make their office more exciting and stimulating as a workspace.

Clocks - Every office needs a clock right? Why not make it a novelty clock? Count down the days to Friday on a fun bilingual clock or express your love of sailing with a nautical themed clock. Whichever clock suits your style, there's no reason to have a boring, utilitarian clock when you can get an artistic or fun timepiece to keep your mind on the important things in life!

Office Items - Gadgets and gizmos make the perfect accessories to a home office space. Whether you want to know the weather outside to just want a cool calculator or paperweight. Gadgets and executive style office items can lend some interest and professionalism to any office space.
Lend some interest to your desk with an executive pen set or letter opener and magnifying glass.

Globes - Every home office, den, or library needs a globe right? Bring old world style to your office with a classic wooden globe or place a modern black and white or crystal sphere on prominent display. Not only do you get an interesting dcor piece, but it's educational as well!


Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha atau lebih akrab dipanggil Rasya ini merupakan  anak dari artis Tamara Bleszynski dari suaminya terdahulu Teuku Rafly, Rasya merupakan aktris pendatang baru yang sedang digandrungi kalangan remaja terutama para wanita selain mempunyai wajah yang ganteng dan imut imut ini rasya juga dialiri darah seni dari ibunya dan juga bakat berbisnis dari ayahnya.

Di usia yang menginjak 15 tahun Teuku Rasya bisa dikatakan lagi dipuncak kepopuleran selain sedang menekuni dunia entertainment Rasya juga sedang meniti karir dibidang bisnis gadget,rasya memiliki outlet yang dinamai corner gadget.

Berikut  Kumpulan Foto Foto Dan Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha yang bisa menjadi obat penawar rindu bagi anda penggemar si ganteng rasya ini.




Profil Biodata Teuku Rasya Islamy Pasha

Nama Lengkap : Tengku Rasya Islamy Pasya
Nama Panggilan : Rasya, Tengku Rasya
Tanggal Lahir : 4 Februari 1999
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Pelajar, Bisnisman
Nama Ayah : Teuku Ramly
Nama Ibu Kandung : Tamara Bleszynski
Adik : Kenzou Leon
Akun Twitter : @TRP_Rassya



They often delve into viral campaigns without fully understanding the intricacies of viral video branding; an ill-conceived viral video can ultimately damage brand image.
But fret not, we're here to clear up some common misconceptions.
Misconception 1: Viral videos require less time, effort and money to produce.
For some strange and obscure reason, many people (yes, marketers too) seem to believe that these videos require less time and effort to produce. Snap out of those thoughts, because a truly successful video requires meticulous planning, great consumer insight as well as an appropriate budget in order to make it all work out-unless you're lucky enough to get the right mix of elements such as content and timing right ALL the time.

The Old Spice video is a good case in point. It comes across as a low budget viral video advertisement. But guess what, a lot of effort, time and resources were spent in making it all happen.
In short, viral videos require more time, effort and money than many think they require.
Misconception 2: Viral is always GOOD.
Many viral video marketers are quick to glorify the successes of their videos. But it takes an astute critic to realise that they have seriously downplayed the possibility of the viral video backfiring on your brand. Instead of building the brand, a backfiring viral video can amass negative buzz which eventually damages the brand.

The bad news is that there is no accurate way to control or predict the outcome of the video. Consider the case of Sony, the creators of the award-winning PlayStation brand. Sony is a company celebrated for their creativity and innovation. The company decided to employ a viral marketing agency Zipatoni to create a viral video to drum up interest for their new handheld device the PlayStation Portable.
Everything took a turn for the worse from there. The video was so terrible that fans took it out against Sony on the social media sites.

Sony removed the video shortly. Making the following press statement.
"Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony. Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP." Sony Computer Entertainment America

Fortunately for you, we found a surviving copy of the video on Youtube! P.S: Disengage from source immediately if you experience any form of discomfort.
Misconception 3: The odds of a viral video is considerably high.
It might seem true to the man on the street that viral videos tend to have a high rate of success. Not surprising, given the fact that we've seen spectacular examples in recent years (especially those awesome Superbowl ads). Perhaps this has encouraged brand managers to be extremely optimistic with regard to viral videos' success rates.

But let's not sugarcoat the truth any further. Success is not guaranteed, even if a Brand engages a reputable viral video marketing agency.
Millward Brown, a Brand and Marketing Research firm conducted a research study which involved 102 video ads. The study revealed that only 15% of videos eventually become viral.
To Chase or Not to Chase?
The promise of viral campaigns are alluring indeed. Viral campaigns offer unprecedented levels of consumer engagement and massive levels of word-of-mouth marketing. But in order for it to all work out for the Brand, the Brand manager must have realistic expectations and prudent planning.

The fundamentals of marketing still stand; the expenditure on the Viral Campaign must be in some way relevant and justifiable to the core business.
With some common sense, and lots of planning, we hope brand managers will never make another mistake like this again.
