Sudah pada mengetahui pada umumnya Kata Mutiara Bijak merupakan kata kata yang penuh dengan makna dan arti yang sangat berguna bagi kita sebagai manusia untuk menjalani kehidupan ini,selain berisikan nasehat kata bijak juga dapat menambah motivasi dan tentunya bisa melegakan hati jika kita bisa meresapi dengan benar.

Namun disini roromotan tidak akan menyajikan Kata Kata Bijak yang penuh makna,saat ini kami akan coba menyajikan Kata Mutiara Bijak Lucu Kocak  Bikin Ngakak yang tidak kalah manfaatnya untuk kita semua yang akan membuat kita tertawa ngakak kata mutiara lucu ini merupakan plesetan dari kata bijak dan bertujuan untuk menghibur.

Dari pada panjang lebar dan tak tentu arah langsung saja kita simak Kata Mutiara Bijak Lucu Kocak  Bikin Ngakak yang bisa jadi pelipur lara penghilang kesedihan dan sebagainya:

Uang tidak bisa membeli kebahagiaan, tapi mempunyai uang akan lebih bahagia dari pada tidak punya.

Jika ada orang yang menyebutmu jelek, maka jangan berputus asa karena belum tentu orang tersebut berkata bohong.

Sahabat terbaik adalah uang, karena dengan uang sahabat pun akan datang

Pandanglah langit untuk melihat kebesaran Tuhan, pandanglah laut untuk melihat anugerah dari Tuhan, dan pandanglah cermin untuk melihat kutukan dari Tuhan

Kegagalan adalah kesuksesan yang tertunda dan kebohongan adalah kejujuran yang tertunda

Semua orang ingin masuk surga, tapi banyak orang juga yang tidak ingin mati

Hal yang paling utama ketika mencari seorang calon suami adalah menemukan orang yang berkepribadian. Mobil pribadi, rumah pribadi dan kolam renang pribadi.

Menahan gelak tawa itu tidak sehat. Gelak tawa akan turun ke bawah dan membasahi celana Anda

Bermimpilah tentang apa yang ingin yang kamu impikan, jadilah seperti yang kamu inginkan. Karena bisa jadi itu memang hanya  mimpi

Jadilah diri anda sendiri, jika anda jelek maka syukurilah kejelekan diri anda

Semakin banyak belajar, semakin banyak yang kita tahu, Semakin banyak yang kita tahu, semakin banyak yang kita lupa, Semakin banyak yang kita lupa, semakin sedikit yang kita tahu. Jadi kenapa kita sibuk belajar
Sodara sodara mungkin hanya segitu  Kata Mutiara Bijak Lucu Kocak  Bikin Ngakak yang dapat kami berikan untuk anda, walaupun sedikit namun manfaatnya banyak itu yang menjadi harapan kami.


Some may doubt the power of that advertisement series. I submit to you this: how many parodies, how many youtube views, how many comments, how many blog posts, how many facebook statuses do you think that advertisement generated? It became a meme. That's a lot of people talking about your advertisement.
Which means Old Spice is on a lot of minds. Which in turn means when those minds go shopping...

You get the picture. The thing is, Old Spice did something great. They associated their brand with humor which appeals to a vast majority of their market. But not only did their joke get a lot of laughs, it went viral. Before you knew it there was talk about it everywhere.

There were parodies, there were other actual advertisements- the most notable one coming to mind is the advertisement for a college library that perfectly mimics the style of the old spice commercial. Their commercial had that much of an impact on their consumer base that they actually tried and succeeded in recreating and imitating the commercial.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
The beef in this viral sandwich... ok that was kind of gross. Let me try that again. The power behind viral media is inherently embedded within the annals of the internet. The internet is a living, thriving creature. It's almost unpredictable. Almost. But if you have a keen eye- with the analytically accurate data to back it up, and a creative mind- with the skills, technique, and finesse to create an ingenious advertisement that caters to the fads and trends of today then you can put a saddle on that internet horse and ride it into the sunset.

One more thing. I forgot to mention. Old Spice actually did a series of web-advertisements on youtube featuring the actor from the commercial. They contributed in the viral spread. Pretty cool, eh?


Koleksi Gambar Binatang Lucu dan Unik ini hasil searching di internet dan pastinya sudah pada mengetahui tujuannya hanya untuk hiburan semata karena dengan melihat Gambar Hewan Lucu ini dapat membuat kita tertawa dan tentunya akan menghilangkan kepenatan pikiran sehingga bisa membuat emosi kita stabil.

Seperti makhluk hidup yang lain di dunia tingkah laku binatang terkadang aneh aneh dan lucu sehingga membuat kita yang melihat akan tertawa geli dan akan menggeleng gelengkan kepala saking takjub atau merasa aneh.

Berikut Koleksi Gambar Binatang Lucu Dan Unik yang bisa kami sajikan untuk anda dan mudah mudahan bisa menjadi hiburan yang ampuh setidaknya untuk menghilangkan sedikit permasalahan:

Itulah Koleksi Gambar Binatang Lucu Dan Unik yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda semua.


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Walnuts make an excellent and nutritious addition to any salad. These nuts contain "good" monosaturated fats, which counter the insulin resistance caused by diabetes. They are also known for having many vitamins and minerals, along with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Besides having all of these wonderful benefits, they offer an energy boost, and have a great flavor.

These days, diabetics are everywhere. This will help you come to terms with your diagnosis, not to mention prevent you from being inconvenienced.

You'll be surprised at the number of items containing corn syrup, so check labels, and be prepared to put back common items such as ketchup, sodas, sauces and sweets. If you buy food products in Canada, you will want to watch out for any food th


First of all viral marketing is basically any kind of marketing. You know one thing that I don't like is when people talk about traffic generation techniques; they will list viral marketing as a separate thing. It`s the same. Viral marketing sits above. You do anything, and it turns viral.

Social marketing, article marketing, video marketing, even your paid marketing, press release marketing, brand marketing. All of these can go viral.
Viral is just what happens with your marketing after you release it. So the point of viral marketing is for you to create something and then it gets spread throughout the world. This is exactly how MSN`s Hotmail became what they are. They became what Hotmail was and then got acquired by Microsoft.

Just because every email that went out had a little footer saying "Sign up now for your own free email account". That's viral. Watch YouTube. YouTube went viral. Look at some of the top videos at YouTube. How many videos have you sent to your friends because you thought that they were funny?
That is you participating in viral marketing. How many times have you Tweeted, or FaceBooked something that is funny or a link to something. That is you taking part in viral marketing.

So what we want to do in viral marketing is flip it. How can we device a way that will make other people want to tell other people about it? Basically word of mouth marketing. So the 3 that I discussed below are viral videos. There is nothing new to say there. It's video marketing at its best.
You are watching something that I hope will go viral in sometime. I am going to share with you proof and evidence in a second that what I have been doing HAS gone viral.

Second is incentivized social media. This is a great thing. By the way, let me take a quick break. There are a lot of viral ideas and I ripped actually 3 of these away from a report that my friends put together. Click the link that is there somewhere around this video.

You will have to share your name and email to get it. It's not mine it's his, but I wanted to give him a shot out. It's a great report, read it if you want to know more about viral marketing.

So again the second one is incentivized social media. You want an example, look on the right side of the blog, or if you are watching this video somewhere else go to AnikSingal. Come and you will see that when I say win pads' and win that' go and read that page.

This is what incentivized social media is. I want you to tweet about me, I want you to FaceBook me and in exchange I bribe you with something. That's incentivized social media, see it for yourself. Go to Twitter and type @aniksingal and you will see that there are hundreds of people that have done this and that has helped me make this blog viral.

The third one is what you call Stats Based Press Releases. This is one of my favorite ones. I haven't done this from quite sometime, but I want to start doing this again. It's the easiest way to go viral to media.
It's one thing to go viral to consumers and to people. But it's a whole another ball game to go viral to media. And I did it. I did this once and the whole thing was absolutely mind blowing. So here it is in black and white. launched not so long ago, 134,234 visits since launch.

Whooping 271,957 page views. That's around 300,000 page views in 3 weeks. I accept that I have a list that I market to. 72% of them new visitors. My list isn't that big. My posts have been going viral.
Scroll down my blog and you will see how many times things are being tweeted. You will see how many times it was tagged "like" on FaceBook. You will see that I am using FaceBook plug-in for comments. That means this is how many times it's being spread on FaceBook.

Right now FaceBook is already referring 1% of my traffic.
Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot. But I just started. It's already got me a size-able traffic, free traffic. I have no idea where it's coming from. The rest of it is direct type in traffic. This means my links being forwarded by people to each other. A total of 55% of my traffic is coming from that.
That only means that the rest of coming from people clicking theirs emails as they do have an email database. 55% is just being forwarded around. My most popular post got a little over 14000 views. Trust me I wont be able to get that many clicks even if I mailed my own database.

This is viral.
Second top video, 11600 views. Now it's very obvious that I have been doing viral video marketing. And I have been trying my hand at incentivized social media. And I have done some of the other viral marketing; tips that are in the report of you need to know. The third system you are going to see me use very soon is Stats Based Press Releases.

And what are those, I will explain them right below this video. So to sum it up, viral marketing is very cool. But it is not its own traffic generation technique. It's something that you can use in any of your other marketing methods.


A base stone sealer which penetrates and seals significantly better than traditional silicone based sealers is required for a Sealer Granite Counter Top. It should seal with maximum penetration and protection. The sealer should be easy to use and odor less as well. Above all it should be able to protect the stone from the toughest staining agents.

Stone Sealers

Often stone sealers which are used as a Sealer Granite Counter Top physically impregnate the porous surface of the stone and as it cures the stone, it expands to fill the pores. Hence silicone based sealers should not be used, because they have a higher surface tension and therefore cannot fill the pores.

It is imperative that the Sealer Granite Counter Top should seal the surface pores completely, otherwise it is susceptible to stains from oil, water and acids. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the steps to seal the granite tip.


The Sealer Granite Counter Top should be applied uniformly to the counter top with a clean white rag. A brush can be used instead of a rag. Wait for about five minutes while the sealer is absorbed into the stone. Once it seems to have dried, apply some more sealer on the granite rubbing it in using a clean and dry rag.

Repeat the whole process on the next section of the stone till the entire counter top is sealed. A second application of Sealer Granite Counter Top is necessary, but after a gap of about two hours, depending on the instructions given by the brand of the sealer.

Take an area of about four to five square feet at a time and work on it. Two coats of Sealer Granite Counter Top are generally always recommended, even if the manufacturer advises otherwise. Once your stone is sufficiently sealed, just make a quick check to find out whether the sealing has been done completely. Spill water on the counter top and wait for half an hour and then wipe it off. If the stone does not become darker, the counter top has been well sealed.


The surface of granite is porous and hence the area has to be cleaned thoroughly and then dried before sealing. The drying may even have to happen overnight, depending on the quality and thickness of the granite.

The surface has to be completely sealed, before you apply the sealant. It is best to use a permanent sealer, but if you do not use one, the granite has to be resealed once every six months or a year.

Of course the Sealer Granite Counter Top is not required for all types of granite, because some granite which is very dense do not need to be sealed. But sometimes even they etch, and it is always better to seal it because then it is protected against all possible things that could cause it damage.


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A cremation process is quite demanding as there are legal documents which need to be prepared. You need to seek permits for cremating a body and considering the trying times you are going through, it is best if the process is handled by an expert.
The state government wants to ensure that there are no disputes, which surround the death of your family member. This is why permits and legal documents have to be presented before cremating the deceased. This ensures that all questions pertaining to death of a person are critically answered and there is no possibility of disputes arising when the process has already taken place.

Cremating a body is an irreversible process and this means that once it is done, should questions and objections arise thereafter, it can be complex to get solutions or answers. Another aspect which makes it essential for professionals to handle this cremating task is because it needs to be done safety.
When preparing to cremate the body of a deceased, the casket needs to meet the set standards.

It should be designed with materials which are combustible. Although the handles and other parts of a casket may be designed of metallic parts, these are removed during the actual burning of deceased remains. The intense heat which burns up the body may cause metallic and other objects to explode.

Things like peacemakers and other electronic gadgets, which may be found in a body should be removed. This ensures that explosions do not occur as they can damage the heating oven or furnace chamber. Other substances like fiber glass and plastic can emit dangerous chemicals which not only contaminate the environment but also cause health problems on people.

If family members do not want items like jewelry, necklaces and rings to be burned during the cremation, they are also removed. When the actual burning of a deceased body is done, the ashes are stored in a safe container or urn and an identification tag is labeled. This is to ensure that family members do not get the wrong ashes for their deceased person from the funeral home.

The ashes are transported to a funeral home and the family decides on what they would like to do with the ashes. In essence, a professional cremation company can offer a stress-free cremating process. And this means that you pay your last respect for a deceased one without a lot of emotional suffering.


Accessing information about the topics, places, person, things, discoveries and other things is now just a click away. We have started using social networking websites, news, recipes, technical forums and other websites frequently. Only a few of us look at the physical newspapers these days.

The negligible use of physical newspapers clearly demonstrates that users love to read online rather than investing their whole morning in stretching their arms to read a lengthy news story.
You might feel that gadgets have occupied a prominent space in our lives, but still it's the Internet which keeps us informed, entertained and engaged through various means and devices. Wide access to the Internet has changed the way people cook, play, watch, listen, and enjoy.

You may visit a number of websites every day, but have you ever thought that adding a website to your favorite may help you access it more quickly and easily. If you save your frequently visited websites as favorites in Internet Explorer, you can not only maintain a track of the websites that you visit frequently but it will also save your valuable time.

Offering you high comfort ability and quicker access, the Internet Explorer allows you to view, add, remove, and organize your favorites from both the address bar and the traditional favorites list.
Steps to add a favorite in the Internet Explorer 10 App
Step1. Go to the Internet Explorer 10 Metro (Windows UI) from the Start screen and open the website that you want to add to your Favorites.

Step2. Press and hold the 'Windows' + Z keys or right-click on an empty space on the browser. You can also swipe up from the bottom of your touch screen device to add favorites into your IE browser.
Step3. Look at the right of the address bar and click/tap on the 'Pin site' button. Choose to click/tap on 'Add to favorites' button to enlist a particular website into the list of favorites.

Steps to remove a favorite in the Internet Explorer 10 App
Step1. Open Internet Explorer 10 Metro (Windows UI) from the Start screen and perform any one of the following:
a) Press the 'F4' key
b) Press the 'Windows + Z' keys and click/tap in the address bar
c) Right-click on an empty area in IE10 Metro and click/tap in the address bar

d) Swipe up from the bottom of your touch screen and click/tap in the address bar
Step2. Now, scroll the screen from left to right until you find the favorite you want to remove. Once, you find the same, right-click on the favorite and click/tap on 'Remove' button.
Internet Explorer 10 Favorites serve as links to those websites that a user visits frequently. You can easily add a website to your favorites list to save your time and effort, when you try to open that link again in future. A favorite allows you to go to the site by simply clicking on its name, instead of searching by using a search engine or typing its full address in the address bar.

You can also save your favorite permanently by pressing 'CTRL+D.' Hope these handy tips will help you add or remove favorites to your lists easily!


Puisi cinta memang identik dengan romantisme yang sangat kental,namun kali ini saya akan coba menyajikan Kumpulan Puisi Cinta Romantis Lucu Kocak Bikin Ketawa yang bisa jadi penghibur dalam hubungan asmara antara pasangan kekasih yang lagi di mabuk cinta agar hubungan asmara yang dijalanin tidak ngebosenin,lumayan buat intermezzo.

Bagi anda yang suka humor artikel ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan dalam hubungan cinta supaya ada sedikit pencerahan dalam hubungan cinta yang kata sebagian orang banyak rumitnya,dan bisa juga dijadikan jurus djitu merayu kekasih dalam keadaan gawat.(pabaeud-baeud) hehe..

Daripada ngelantur kesana kemari mending langsung saja kita simak Puisi Cinta Romantis Lucu Untuk Kekasih Hati berikut ini:

Bayanganmu, selalu hadir setiap malamku
saat suasana menjadi horor
dan mencekam
Bayanganmu selalu datang di setiap mimpiku
saat aku mimpi buruk
Bayanganmu, selalu menemani dalam sepiku
saat aku merasa sendiri
dan ketakutan
aku pun tak kuasa menyimpan tanya
Kamu itu pacarku apa hantu sih???

Setiap mlm
setiap detik….
ku slalu terbayang senyummu….
rambutmu yg sgt indah….
ingin rasanya selalu disampingmu slamanya.
Isiin Pulsa gw Yah say..kalo mw lanjutannya

Jangan suka cemberut
Nanti mukanya berkerut
Seperti orang sakit perut
Menggeliat seperti tikus cecurut

Dia tak berwujud, tak bernyawa
Tapi baunya terasa…..
Dia tak berbahaya tapi dijauhi
Dia ramah tapi tak didekati
Kalo bunyinya keras artinya jujur, tak bersuara artinya pemalu…..
Keluar sekaligus artinya berjiwa besar,
Setengah-setengah artinya hemat…..
Oohh, Kentut….
Org Inggris kentut bilang : “excuse me”…..
Org Amrik kentut bilang : “pardon me”…..
Org indonesia bilang : “not me, not me…!”

"Engkau sungguh dinamis, Rambutmu kaya selebritis
Sifatmu romantis, Gayamu erotis, Pakaianmu necis
Sepatumu dari Prancis, Sayang wajahmu kaya 'TELETUBIES.

Doa Cewek Jomblo
Ya Tuhan, jika memang dia jodohku, dekatkanlah
Jika dia bukan jodohku, jodohkanlah
Jika dia sudah punya pasangan, putuskanlah
Tolong jangan beri jodoh selain aku, Amin.


To help you to peel off boiled ovum, operate them below cold normal water immediately after getting rid of from their website the cooktop. Once they are awesome sufficient to effect, faucet them gently to break into and roll on a countertop. Once you begin cracking and have an opening up within the casing, work this below frosty water and you will probably discover the rest of the shell will remove with all the greatest of simplicity!

For wonderful home made dark chocolate chip pastries, will not put each of the chocolate morsels in the mix! Conserve in regards to a quarter of the your dish requires until finally after the biscuits are established in the cooking food page, then add them uniformly to the tops in the money declines to generate bakery searching, excellent dark chocolate scratch cupcakes!

Many people typically use apples for cooking issues in the wintertime and tumble several weeks, but a number of people retailer them improperly and they spoil rapidly. Apples will likely be ruined should they be kept in a hot place, ensure you retailer them in the fridge or in an excellent spot. Cull awful apples from your bag in order to avoid rotting much more of them.

Beans stored for a longer length of time have to be checked out for bug damage or mildew. As an alternative to aesthetically looking at each and every coffee bean put them in a dish of cold water. Just use those sinking to the bottom as these hovering are either have problems with insect damage or fungus.

Make sure you ready your dishes the night well before. Generate marinades and enable your beef to stay in the family fridge right away. By undertaking most of the preparation the night time before, you make a delightful flavorful dinner. You additionally reduced the amount of tension when coming up with the food prior to your friends and family get there.

Save your butter and margarine wrappers to utilize when cooking. The wax tart papers that butter and margarine is wrapped in just is actually the ideal dimensions for greasing cookware or rubbing on to a potato just before popping it within the stove for preparing. Preserve wrappers butter-area to butter-area within a closed safe-keeping pot, so that it keeps new for the preparing needs.

When you wish to produce a broth using supply, comply with this hint. Make sure to make a large amount of stock, fill it in the plastic-type bag, and place it in the freezer. This will allow you to rapidly make soups without notice to by simply thawing the currently made stock.

As you now have study these great cooking food ideas, you may go into the cooking area equipped with the information that whatever meal you prepare food, you will make an impression on your friends, family members, and friends the way you wish to! So, head over to the kitchen and obtain cracking.


Large to small businesses have began to make use of social networking sites in order to create a buzz in the market. Using social media as a marketing tool requires a more dedication than some of the traditional methods. Viral Marketing is defined as the process of marketing materials and information via social networking.

This type of marketing uses pre-existing social networks to increase brand awareness by encouraging people to pass along a promotional message. It is an effective way of using word-of-mouth to achieve success.

The first step in viral marketing begins with good content (also known as viral content). All content that is spread through social networking sites should consist of real information' that catches the attention of users. Users are more likely to become more excited about things that benefit them in some type of way. If a message does not provide what they need, it is recommended that a company rethink their entire viral campaign.

Common on the viral marketing world is a concept known as blogging. For example, a company may post an article on a site such as Once the blog has been posted, the article is then tagged in a social network, and then begins to distribute elsewhere. Each time it is tagged more people see it, and then someone else tags it and it reaches more viewers. It is similar to applying the snowball effect to marketing.

Viral Marketing Tips
Do not feel the need to only create expensive advertisements
Make it easy for users to share your content
Make use of different types of social media sites
Sell your idea in a creative way

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at website is Viral Marketing?


Different women have different ways apt show their beauty meantime fashion jewelry must be must-have items within their wardrobe Fancy Pearl can peerless define peoples taste and personality. As a stuff of truth there are not ugly women barely only women who dont know how apt acquaint a pretty wording.

In the mall you can find always kinds of fashion Pearl A majority of fashion women have a vigorous affection with grace Cartier Pearl They like to dress luxury Cartier jewelry to supplement their looks. It namely a compassion that many people are not experienced apt afford t


The main focus of packaging companies is the packaging of a product according to the requirements of the business and the nature of the items. A contract packager will provide inexpensive, quick and efficient service. It is critical when you choose the right kind of packager, as it may have a positive or negative impact on the customer.

The most popular selection of packaging is clamshell boxes by contract packagers. It associates with a type of case that can use large plastic layers to form a mold and covers the item. Commonly toys for kids are put in this packaging as it can be helpful customers to visibly see the item. Hiring a third-p


Knowing that, given that we're also nearing eliminate snowstorms and shut to warmer weather it really is get more spring wardrobe which means you are prepared from your very first time you walk out your doorstep in the breezy oxygen of spring. To acquire to this date however you might want to consider the examples below trends and techniques for dressing right this spring.

First of all, this spring the military designs of winter will carry over, only now they're going to worked into lighter materials. You should not go awry with any spring jacket or raincoat featuring a military barred style about the front or buttons through the breast.
While you can easily still make do with short hipster raincoats, the structure is slowly switching towards longer beneath the butt length and perhaps to the knee for those who pair the coat which has a nice list of suede or leather boots to elongate your legs.

Bulimia in spring designs could be the abstract trend, also is sometimes often called the architectural design, and is particularly illuminating the catwalks across the world. The essence of this fashion trend is sharp cuts and accents that truly create a shirt, dress, or skirt look sharp, edgy and modern. Traditionally should you adhere to soft hues with sharp black edging or accents you may be ok, but if you wish to push the structure envelope you might want to you could make your own abstract clothing by pairing solids with sharp jewelry that sticks out across the clothing.

These are dresses, in 2010 in Fashion online length is essential as very short and intensely long is significantly out. Although last autumn may have been packed with tights and short sweaters creating the mini look, minis remain greatly out and you need to be careful to pick a much more modest length if you want to take fashion. While mid thigh lengths are ok, the most beneficial cut for some dresses and skirts during spring are going to be gently through the knee while there is room for a little variation. Extremely long is also out so stay away from the flowing look.

Finally, should you the last thing that you'll need in your closet this spring a few floral prints, but is not the larger floral prints that produce you search like drapes. Instead, choose floral prints that are small and detailed and show off a lot more like prints then flowers.

Pair this look which has a military jacket or tunic shirt you could a glance that will easily make you pop out to anyone walking by on the street. Include some boots and you will be practically as close to the runway as possible while strolling through your daily routine.


It is the heaviest element known to be utilized by any living organism. The word tungsten comes from the Swedish language tung sten directly translatable to heavy stone Tungsten was identified as a new element in 1781, and first isolated as a metal in 1783.
Its essential ores consist of wolframite and scheelite. The free element is remarkable for its robustness, especially the fact that it has the highest melting point of all of the elements. Also remarkable is its high density of 19.3 times that of water. However, very pure tungsten, although still hard, is more ductile, and can be cut with a hard-steel hacksaw.

Tungsten rings are virtually scratch proof and consequently will not ever lose their shine, the ring is meant to last forever. Good quality tungsten jewelry has a brilliant mirror finish and is slightly darker in color when in comparison to platinum. Jewelry produced from tungsten is more durable to constant use even during outdoor activities like water sports and does not loose its shine by sweating or continuous skin contact.

Tungsten is one of the hardest materials on the Planet Earth. Tungsten rings are the most wear resistant rings accessible on the planet. Tungsten is about 10 times harder than 18K Gold, five times harder than tool steel, and 4 times harder than titanium. Tungsten measures between 8 and 9 on the Mohs hardness scale.
(Diamonds are a ten - the highest.) Tungsten signifies strength, tenacity and hardness. Due to their intense hardness, Tungsten Rings will hold their shape and shine longer than any ring on the market. Tungsten Carbide does not scratch, dent or chip, will always look new and doesn't need polishing.

Lasts decades, not years. Finish is comparable to platinum or rhodium A ring of Tungsten won't bend. Exploding in popularity! At ebay store stylejewelry, we are featuring a carbon fibre design, it's the perfect addition to any man's collection. We've produced hundreds of custom tungsten ring designs.


To live your greatest life, you have to be you and Dr. Ali teaches modern day women how to get in touch with their feminine sides in order to enhance their dating lives. The idea of the yin and the yang has been about for centuries however we have a tendency to neglect fundamental teachings and make our lives additional confusing and complicated than they require to be. I guarantee that reading and listening to the guidance in this book will enable bring clarity, happiness, fulfillment and laughing into your life.

Sadly, considerably of the horrible dating assistance we acquire today is also peddled by our well-intentioned household members or close good friends. Often, we hear this guidance so frequently we begin to think it's true, and we may possibly even commence doling it out ourselves. There is definitely a lot of merit in not acting out of desperation and taking seasons off from dating. It really is likely accurate that most of us will most likely require to date at least a handful of persons just before we find our spouse. Even so, the view that you want to date as quite a few individuals as attainable to obtain the appropriate one can be taken to the extreme. This form of dating can then turn into a game of playing the lottery with men and women. Indeed, the breakup of a dating connection has significantly much more of an effect on our emotional and spiritual health than losing on a scratch-off ticket. Nobody wants to date a person who is desperate to be in a partnership its not in the least bit desirable. On line dating has also become massive organization.

The only trouble is that most of the dating guidance out there is either idealized to serve an emotional plotline, or just plain incorrect and counterproductive. Gender equality, the details age, on-line dating and social media have changed the rules of the game.

There is some questionable language in there and it undoubtedly doesn't have a Christian point of view at ALL, but it is an exciting read and delivers guidance by allowing a lot of different ladies to inform their personal stories and share the lessons they discovered when they ignored red flags. Immediately after watching the videos, nonetheless, I realized the keyword here was hopeless, for the reason that his suggestions sounded far more like hybrid involving a Borat outtake and a Cosmo write-up from 1998 than that from an expert. The greatest of suggestions video of all, on the other hand, is the How to Flirt With a Co-Worker gem that Everyday Dot unearthed these days, which lays out the perfect way to nab a date with the office hawtie. And she had no issue obtaining dates with handsome, accomplished men.

The Ideal Dating Advice I Ever Got is a booklet of highlights selected by 3000 readers from 'The Tao of Dating: The Clever Woman's Guide to Being Totally Irresistible', the greatest-reviewed dating book on (four.9/5. stars as of December 2011). Dr. Ali has written this a great deal condensed, just about play book for dating, version his The Tao of Dating. The The Tao of Dating goes into much far more depth and science and why it operates. I printed each and every of What Do Men Want In Relationship the 20 steps onto a single web page so I can appear at it anytime I head out into that "Supermarket" of the planet. I am lawyer, run my own enterprise, am a single mom, and have a fixer up property. Dr. Ali is sensible and funny, and it is clear to me that he adores wise women. By undertaking that you will discover that there are lots of guys who have had results with these methods.

A single report recommended that in southern Taiwan , "regular guidelines of courtship" nevertheless apply regardless of the influence of popular culture for instance, guys continue to take the initiative in forming relationships. Dating systems can be systematic and organized methods to strengthen matchmaking by making use of guidelines or technologies.

So without having additional ado, drawing from two particular segments from an episode titled Spoiled Rotten (see video below), right here are five pieces of dating tips that I picture Cesar Millan could possibly give if he have been a dating guru. You might reenter the dating planet with a belief that all males and undoubtedly all of your boyfriends will, at some point, turn into unfaithful. The key here is that online dating is no various then meeting in a bar If you beloved this article and you simply would like to collect more info pertaining to What Men Secretly Want Guide kindly visit our own website. .


Slow deterioration of a home and its components is inevitable. In a matter of five years or more, you need to expect some parts of your home to be gradually losing its usual appeal. Of course, this is a foreseeable event which you must be prepared of.

One of the areas which need considerable attention is your kitchen. Since you are able to make use of it each day, it is only normal for it to appear used or slightly damaged. Whenever these things happen, we need to decide whether a whole replacement or a refinishing will be done instead. The latter procedure saves you more time and money; but you need to consider a few factors before you make a change.

When You Would Need a Counter Top Refinishing

Counter top refinishing is needed when your kitchen counter needs a repair. It is a perfect solution for those home owners who choose to make a change in the decors of their kitchen. Counter top refinishing is also suitable for those who desire a change at a limited budget. When the condition of your counter tops is significantly impaired, then that is the time that you have to do a counter top refinishing project.

If your kitchen counters need to be remodeled but you do not have the time, then you should opt for a counter top refinishing instead. This way, it will save you more time because the changes can simply be done at home. If the edges of your counter top are damaged, then that would call for a counter top refinishing.

To sum it all up, you would know the need of refinishing if only a part of your counters are destroyed. However, if the entire counter top area has been ruined, then it would require for a complete replacement which is more and expensive and which can definitely take much of your time.

Why You Need a Counter Top Refinishing

Counter top refinishing can be done under two circumstances. The first reason would be a destroyed counter top and the second reason is for you to have a new look in your home. If you are bored of the old and usual counter top that you use everyday, you can decide to change provided that you have both the money and resources.

If your counter tops are slightly destroyed, you need to replace them partially through the refinishing process. Since this is only partial restoration of damaged materials, it will be less costly and will take only a fraction of your time.

Counter top refinishing can cover many purposes which may vary from person to person. Before even deciding on one, you need to consider your financial ability and your readiness to spare time for the refinishing process.


Siapa yang gak kenal sosok yang satu ini beliau merupakan legenda musik di Indonesia dengan nama lengkap Virgiawan Listanto namun lebih populer dengan nama Iwan Fals. Lagu-lagu yang dinyanyikan Iwan Fals solo ataupun yang dinyanyikan dalam format group banyak memuat lirik yang istimewa, baik lirik lagu ciptaannya sendiri maupun dari orang lain. Lagu lagu Iwan Fals ini beberapa diantaranya memuat rangkaian kata yang indah dan bijak yang menjadi kalimat penuh makna.

Berikut adalah  Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang dikutip dari Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda meskipun sedikit atupun alakadarnya tapi mudah mudahan bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan memberi semangat untuk kehidupan kita mari kita simak dan resapilah!

1.“Berhentilah jangan salah gunakan, kehebatan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menghancurkan”
(Puing – album Iwan Fals Sarjana Muda 1981)

2.“Hei jangan ragu dan jangan malu, tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa sebenarnya kita mampu”.
(Bangunlah Putra-Putri Pertiwi – album Sarjana Muda 1981)

3."Cepatlah besar matahariku, menangis yang keras janganlah ragu, hantamlah sombongnya dunia buah hatiku, doa kami dinadimu”.
(Galang Rambu Anarki – album Iwan Fals Opini 1982)

4.“Jalan masih teramat jauh, mustahil berlabuh bila dayung tak terkayuh”.
(Maaf Cintaku - album Iwan Fals Sugali 1984)

5.“Jangan kau paksakan untuk tetap terus berlari, bila luka di kaki belum terobati”.
(Berkacalah Jakarta - album Iwan Fals Sugali 1984)

6.“Riak gelombang suatu rintangan, ingat itu pasti kan datang, karang tajam sepintas seram, usah gentar bersatu terjang”.
(Cik - album Iwan Fals Sore Tugu Pancoran 1985)

7.“Aku tak sanggup berjanji, hanya mampu katakan aku cinta kau saat ini, entah esok hari, entah lusa nanti, entah”.
(Entah - album Iwan Fals Ethiopia 1986)

8.“Mengapa bunga harus layu?, setelah kumbang dapatkan madu, mengapa kumbang harus ingkar?, setelah bunga tak lagi mekar”.
(Bunga-Bunga Kumbang-Kumbang - album Iwan Fals Ethiopia 1986)

9.“Ternyata banyak hal yang tak selesai hanya dengan amarah”.
(Ya Ya Ya Oh Ya - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

10.“Dalam hari selalu ada kemungkinan, dalam hari pasti ada kesempatan”.
(Selamat Tinggal Malam - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

11.“Kota adalah hutan belantara akal kuat dan berakar, menjurai didepan mata siap menjerat leher kita”.
(Kota - album Iwan Fals Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

12.“Jangan kita berpangku tangan, teruskan hasil perjuangan dengan jalan apa saja yang pasti kita temukan”.
(Lancar - album Iwan Fals Lancar 1987)

13.“Jangan ragu jangan takut karang menghadang, bicaralah yang lantang jangan hanya diam”.
(Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat - album Iwan Fals Wakil Rakyat 1987)

14.“Kau anak harapanku yang lahir di zaman gersang, segala sesuatu ada harga karena uang”.
(Nak - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

15.“Sampai kapan mimpi mimpi itu kita beli?, sampai nanti sampai habis terjual harga diri”.
(Mimpi Yang Terbeli - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

16.“Seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan, tak mampu ku membalas, Ibu”.
(Ibu - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

17.“Memang usia kita muda namun cinta soal hati, biar mereka bicara telinga kita terkunci”.
(Buku Ini Aku Pinjam - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

18.“Dendam ada dimana mana di jantungku, di jantungmu, di jantung hari-hari”.
(Ada Lagi Yang Mati - album Iwan Fals 1910 1988)

19.“Hangatkan tubuh di cerah pagi pada matahari, keringkan hati yang penuh tangis walau hanya sesaat”.
(Perempuan Malam - album Iwan Fals Mata Dewa 1989)

20.“Kucoba berkaca pada jejak yang ada, ternyata aku sudah tertinggal, bahkan jauh tertinggal”.
(Nona - album Iwan Fals Mata Dewa 1989)

21.“Oh ya! ya nasib, nasibmu jelas bukan nasibku, oh ya! ya takdir, takdirmu jelas bukan takdirku”.
(Oh Ya! - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

22.“Wahai kawan hei kawan, bangunlah dari tidurmu, masih ada waktu untuk kita berbuat, luka di bumi ini milik bersama, buanglah mimpi-mimpi”.
(Eseks eseks udug udug (Nyanyian Ujung Gang) - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

23.“Api revolusi, haruskah padam digantikan figur yang tak pasti?”.
(Condet - album Swami 1989)

24.“Kalau cinta sudah di buang, jangan harap keadilan akan datang”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

25.“Kesedihan hanya tontonan, bagi mereka yang diperkuda jabatan”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

26.“Orang tua pandanglah kami sebagai manusia, kami bertanya tolong kau jawab dengan cinta”.
(Bongkar - album Iwan Fals Swami 1989)

27.“Satu luka perasaan, maki puji dan hinaan, tidak merubah sang jagoan menjadi makhluk picisan”.
(Rajawali - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

28.“Kesadaran adalah matahari, kesabaran adalah bumi, keberanian menjadi cakrawala, dan perjuangan adalah pelaksanaan kata kata”.
(Paman Doblang - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

29.“Mereka yang pernah kalah, belum tentu menyerah”.
(Orang-Orang Kalah - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

30.“Aku rasa hidup tanpa jiwa, orang yang miskin ataupun kaya sama ganasnya terhadap harta”.
(Nocturno - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

31.“Orang orang harus dibangunkan, kenyataan harus dikabarkan, aku bernyanyi menjadi saksi”.
(Kesaksian - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

32.“Ingatlah Allah yang menciptakan, Allah tempatku berpegang dan bertawakal, Allah maha tinggi dan maha esa, Allah maha lembut”.
(Kantata Takwa - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

33.“Kebimbangan lahirkan gelisah, jiwa gelisah bagai halilintar”.
(Gelisah - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

34.“Bagaimanapun aku harus kembali, walau berat aku rasa kau mengerti”.
(Air Mata - album Kantata Takwa 1990)

35.“Alam semesta menerima perlakuan sia sia, diracun jalan napasnya diperkosa kesuburannya”.
(Untuk Bram - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

36.“Duhai langit, duhai bumi, duhai alam raya, kuserahkan ragaku padamu, duhai ada, duhai tiada, duhai cinta, ku percaya”.
(Pulang Kerja - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

37.“Dimana kehidupan disitulah jawaban”.
(Alam Malam - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

38.“Ada dan tak ada nyatanya ada”.
(Ada - album Iwan Fals Cikal 1991)

39.“Aku sering ditikam cinta, pernah dilemparkan badai, tapi aku tetap berdiri”.
(Nyanyian Jiwa - album Swami Il 1991)

40.“Aku mau jujur jujur saja, bicara apa adanya, aku tak mau mengingkari hati nurani”.
(Hio - album Swami Il 1991)

41.“Bibirku bergerak tetap nyanyikan cinta walau aku tahu tak terdengar, jariku menari tetap tak akan berhenti sampai wajah tak murung lagi”.
(Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

42.“Mengapa besar selalu menang?, bebas berbuat sewenang wenang, mengapa kecil selalu tersingkir?, harus mengalah dan menyingkir”.
(Besar Dan Kecil - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

43.“Angin pagi dan nyanyian sekelompok anak muda mengusik ingatanku, aku ingat mimpiku, aku ingat harapan yang semakin hari semakin panjang tak berujung”.
(Aku Disini - album Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul 1992)

44.“Jalani hidup, tenang tenang tenanglah seperti karang”.
(Lagu Satu - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

45.“Sebentar lagi kita akan menjual air mata kita sendiri, karena air mata kita adalah air kehidupan”.
(Lagu Dua - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

46.“Kita harus mulai bekerja, persoalan begitu menantang, satu niat satulah darah kita, kamu adalah kamu aku adalah aku”.
(Lagu Tiga - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

47.“Kenapa kebenaran tak lagi dicari?, sudah tak pentingkah bagi manusia?”
(Lagu Empat- album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

48.“Kenapa banyak orang ingin menang?, apakah itu hasil akhir kehidupan?”.
(Lagu Empat- album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

49.“Anjingku menggonggong protes pada situasi, hatiku melolong protes pada kamu”.
(Lagu Lima - album Iwan Fals Hijau 1992)

50.“Biar keadilan sulit terpenuhi, biar kedamaian sulit terpenuhi, kami berdiri menjaga dirimu”.
(Karena Kau Bunda Kami - album Dalbo 1993)

Mungkin hanya ini Kata Kata Bijak Dan Indah Dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals yang bisa kami sajikan dan pastinya sangat tidak lengkap maaf dan harap maklum...

