Evolved males prepared to knowledge life from a various viewpoint than that of macho jerks, "good guys" or New Age wimps (male patterns programmed by decades of confusing financial shifts and chaotic social dynamics). That's since - as guys - we weren't provided with an instruction manual on how to interact with females.

Please visit my blog for relevant discussions and advice surrounding wholesome and unhealthy interactions surrounding worry and appreciate on the net. The ladies can use the apology writer situated at the Apology Writer For Females ! It is fine if you adore beards or extended legs or girls with quick hair or guys who put on jewelry.

This book gives relationship assistance to each and every person in a relationship since every single of us have brought about hurt to a different individual. To couples, his book about relationships outlines behavioral expectations to assist them regain their capacity to express enjoy, respect, and honesty to one particular a further and he provides assistance as to how to express these virtues in a connection. In my opinion I am not a huge fan of entertaining a extended distance partnership. Persons just have to be honest Be Irresistible What Men Secretly Want with themselves with the reality that they never have this foundation at the moment in their connection.

Get here productive partnership suggestions for guys and learn the secret of acquiring your woman to love, worship and normally believe in you. For more than a year, Stephan has been offering great relationship suggestions to our neighborhood of married couples and singles that are in search of to have wholesome relationships.


Sebentar lagi kita akan menghadapi bulan suci Ramadhan dimana pada bulan itu umat islam di seluruh dunia wajib melaksanakan ibadah puasa yaitu menahan diri dari haus dan lapar, nah ketika menjalankan ibadah puasa, tubuh kita tak mendapatkan pasokan makanan dan minuman selama sekitar 14 jam,dalam keadaan tersebut, sistem metabolisme tubuh pun melambat,saat itu pasti kondisi tubuh kita akan merasa lemas dan letih.

Bagi anda yang ingin menjalankan ibadah puasa yang merupakan rukun islam yang ketiga dan tidak ingin terganggu dengan badan letih lemas dan lesu, disini kami akan coba berikan Tips Agar Tubuh Tetap Sehat Dan Bugar Saat Berpuasa

Berikut mari kita simak Tips Sehat Dan Bugar Saat Puasa Ramadhan yang mudah mudahan bermanfaat bagi kita sebagai umat muslim agar kita dapat menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan lancar:

  • Pada saat sahur dan berbuka puasa kita usahakan makanan yang kita hidangkan minimal harus ada salah satu jenis makanan dari empat kelompok makanan,yaitu makanan pokok (beras,jagung,roti,ubi) yang mengandung banyak karbohidrat.

  • Khusus saat buka puasa, kita harus dahulukan berbuka dengan minum air putih dan makanan yang manis manis dari buah buahan seperti kurma tomat dan lain-lain. gunanya untuk mengembalikan atau meningkatkan kadar gula darah dalam tubuh yang sempat berkurang saat berpuasa.

  • Kita harus menghindari mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung banyak lemak baik saat sahur maupun saat berbuka.

  • Saat berpuasa usahakan jangan terlalu banyak menyantap makanan terlalu asin saat berbuka dan sahur karena makanan yang terlalu asin akan menyebabkan tubuh kita mudah dehidrasi.

  • Hindari minuman beralkohol selain diharamkan agama alkohol juga sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan tubuh kita, perbanyaklah minum air putih saat sahur dan buka minimal 8 gelas.

  • Lakukan aktivitas fisik seperti jogging dan bersepeda yang tidak terlalu menguras tenaga sehingga dapat menjaga kondisi tubuh.

  • Jangan stres saat berpuasa.karena rasa stres akan mempengaruhi kondisi tubuh dan fikiran kita untuk mengatasinya banyak banyak memperdalam ilmu agama sebab di bulan puasa banyak sekali pengajian pengajian.

  • Hindari asap rokok,karena asap rokok sangat membahayakan diri dan orang orang sekitar kita sehingga untuk para perokok bulan puasa cocok untuk menghentikan kebiasaan buruk tersebut.

Itulah Tips Supaya Badan Sehat Dan Bugar Saat Berpuasa,semoga artikel diatas bermanfaat bagi kita semua.


"If you don't know your jewels, than you better know your jeweler!"
See all 6 photos Find an Honest JewelerSource: Designed by K9keystrokes Please don't miss understand my cause here, I am not saying that jewelers are dishonest, the majority of jewelry salespeople are going to do the right thing. But as a consumer, you are ultimately responsible for the fiduciary well being of your own jewelry transactions. It is better to ask a few worthy questions than to end up buying a cow that won't give milk.
When you set out to purchase a diamond, ruby, or an emerald you need to have a few facts in place and some know-how in mind. Blindly buying any gemstone no matter how fancy or expensive, is just what the dishonest jeweler is hoping you will do. The 8 things that an honest jeweler will tell you may not bring world peace, but they will certainly provide you with a more fulfilling jewelry buying experience; and better quality jewelry for the price.
14kt White Gold Ruby and Diamond Square Three Stone Ring - Size 7 Buy Now XPY 14k Rose Gold Diamond Cat Pendant Necklace (.18cttw, I-J Color, I2-I3 Clarity), 18" Buy Now WHAT ARE ASSCHER CUT DIAMONDS?
Asscher Cut Diamonds - What Makes Them So Special
No better fashion statement exists than the Asscher cut diamond. Square cut with the ability to bring you deep into the diamond seeing its clarity fully. Buy the dramatic Asscher cut diamond for your special someone and say "I Do" with style.
Unique Wall SafeU.S. Patrol JH558 Hidden Wall Safe Buy Now #1. If you Don't Have Jewelry Know-how, Than You Better Get to Know Your Jeweler.
If you are a first time jewelry buyer, I suggest you go shopping with a jewelry-savvy friend. Let this friend know what it is you are looking for and how much you can responsibly spend. Then, just sit back and learn. Remember the questions your friend is asking, the request your friend makes, and above all the manner in which an experienced jewelry consumer operates. You may even note that the jeweler and the individual seem to have a relationship of sorts; which is not to be underestimated by any means. Knowing your jeweler can be a significant tactic when buying or investing in good quality jewelry. He is more likely to protect your interest than that of someone he knows he won't bump into down the road or at a community mixer.

Ask your jeweler if you can have a few of his business cards. This is telling him you may be referring customers to his jewelry shop. You're building the relationship one step deeper, making him feel an obligation to you as more than just an individual jewelry purchaser. Inviting him to your monthly poker game can't hurt either; you might just win a few of your jewelry dollars back in the long run!
See all 6 photos American Gem Society LogoSource: Designed By K9keystrokes #2. Only Work With Jewelers That Are Credentialed
Jewelry is a business that requires great skill, talent, and knowledge. However, on occasion, it only takes a little thing called nepotism. Not that nepotism is a bad thing, but it can be what takes you down a fourth generation jeweled back-alley. The only way to know your jeweler is on the up-and-up is to make sure he is credentialed by the American Gem Society. This is a group of high level jewelers that demand a much higher code of ethics and operate by a significantly higher group of standards. Go ahead and ask to see your jewelers credentials next time you are shopping for nice jewelry; he should be proud to show you just how much he cares about keeping your jewelry business relationship. If he appears offended, you need to find another jeweler!

Emerald BraceletsThe Emerald Bracelet Buy Now Ruby and Diamond RingsYours 18k Rose Gold Plated Engagement Ring Ruby Simulated Diamond (9) Buy Now Your JewelerDo you know your jeweler personally?
No. He's just a person at the jewelry store.

Yes. We are friends in the community.

Sort of, we see eachother around town.

No, I buy my jewelry online or at whatever store is having a sale.
See results without voting#3. Do Not Buy Expensive Jewelry Cleaner From Your Jeweler
When your jeweler takes your dirty ring to that secret backroom to clean it for you (complimentary of course) he is using a top quality jewelry cleaner, right? Not really. What he is most likely using is warm water, gentle detergent, and a soft toothbrush. When he wants to put a supper shine on that diamond ring of yours, he is spritzing a little Windex over it and wiping it dry. So save yourself those extra bucks for jewelry polish and clean your jewelry with these very affective methods.
(Do Not use Windex on any fracture filled diamonds or stones, it will damage the repaired area.)
The Cut of A Fine Stone Makes or Breaks the Brilliance See all 6 photos Light reflects brilliantly whe a diamond is cut properly. The cut is as important as the stone when it comes to quality fine jewelry.Source: Designed by K9keystrokes Size - 7 - 10k White Gold Round Cut White and Brown Chocolate Diamond Womens Ladies Anniversary Fashion 5mm Ring Band (1/2 cttw, G - H Color, I1 Clarity) Buy Now #4. Jewelers May Accidentally Lie About Emeralds
Just about every emerald today has some form of treatment. What this means is that an oil has been applied to the emerald to enhance the stones clarity. Cedar oil is an acceptable oil as it has no "color revising" qualities about it, it simply dresses up the already good-quality of the emerald. Other oils will apply a green-tinted color to the stone's and are not acceptable, as per the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. These colored-oils are masking flaws and improving the limited enhancements of the emerald, thus masking a low quality stones' bad points, while the minimal good points appear to be a higher grade of gemstone. So, when a jeweler tells you his emeralds are not treated in any way, he is either accidentally lying to you, or he is a very dishonest jeweler.
Columbia's Emerald Mines#5. Forget About Jewelry Extended Warranties
If throwing away good money is your thing, than by all means buy an extended jewelry warranty. The truth is that this type of warranty is simply a waste of your good money. If you have a rider on your homeowner policy for your jewelry, anything that gets stolen, lost, or damaged will generally be covered by your home policy. Checking with your insurance broker is always best, but don't think for a minute that you need that jewelry shop extended warranty to keep your investment safe. This low-cost method is probably already in place for you to utilize.
See all 6 photos Preciouse Blue Stones, High Quality Blue JewelrySource: Designed by K9keystrokes #6. Looking For a Blue Stone? A Sapphire is Not Your Only Choice
When you begin your quest to find a beautiful blue stone, you are most likely thinking of buying a Sapphire. After all, not too many nice stones of quality sport such cobalt colored style. But, the honest jeweler will let you in on a little secret, a few other stones come in your favorite shade of blue! Tanzanite, Tourmaline, and Spinel are all blue stones, and might just be a little less expensive than a sapphire; surely just as brilliant.

The advice here is this, if blue is your beloved's request, be sure you ask your jeweler to show you all of the "blue stones" he carries, not just the priciest sapphire in the shop. Even as these other blue gem stones are brilliantly beautiful, and will dazzle your loved one, they have not received the same grand reviews of the sapphire. Many heavy hitting celebrities have been seen stepping out onto the red-carpet wearing blue stones that are anything but sapphire, yet are truly spectacular! When it's all said-and-done, You may find you have enough left in your budget to buy a matching bracelet for your sweetie; the bonus romance points would seem to be a big motivation for this!

Beautiful Budget Diamond Engagement Ring14k Yellow Gold Round Diamond Solitaire Womens Channel-set Bridal Engagement Wedding Ring Sizes 1/2 Cttw Buy Now #7. When Buying a Diamond on a Budget, Don't Get Too Freaked out Over The Clarity Grading
When people speak of diamonds, clarity grading always comes up. However, when you want to buy your sweetie a nice diamond ring or earrings while on a budget, grading is something you can relax about. Go ahead and come down a couple of clarity grades, no one can see any difference when viewing your diamond with their naked eye. Once you have the diamond mounted into a setting, no one will ever know the difference at all.

When diamonds are being graded for clarity they are placed under a special 10x magnification gem scope. The diamond is then viewed by a certified gemologist who really knows what to look for and generally grades every tiny flaw. After all, this is his craft and he is a master of it. Trust me, De Beers-the family of companies that dominate the diamond, diamond mining, diamond trading and industrial diamond manufacturing sectors- wants to know what every fine flaw within a diamond is and in which diamond it was found. The balance of the worldwide diamond market depends on this knowledge.
However; when away from magnification, only your gemologist knows for sure.
Every Month Has its Own Birthstone (Click to see chart full size) See all 6 photos Birthstone ChartSource: Design by K9keystrokes 14K White Gold Round Diamond Stud Earrings (1 cttw) Buy Now See all 6 photos Laser Beam Sign #8. Why Don't You Want to See the Word 'Laser' or 'laser path' on Your Diamond Certificate?
The most important investment concern when buying a diamond has to do with the certification. A diamond certification is like fingerprinting, it details the stones identity and value. It doesn't assign a monetary value like an appraisal, and is only applied to loose diamonds, but it does provide a mapping so you know what quality of diamond you have on your hands. Knowing how to interpret this certification can keep you from paying far too much for an 'altered' diamond grade.

When you read your diamond certification, if you see in the comment section the word "laser" or "laser path" this is telling you that you have an altered diamond. A laser has been applied to the stone. In other words; the diamond has undergone a laser procedure to remove a flaw. This single application can reduce a diamonds true value as much as 40%.

Now that you know what the term "laser" is indicating to a diamond buyer, you gain the advantage of knowing how to make a good investment on an altered stone, instead of over paying by 40% like the guy who has no clue about laser diamond procedures.
How to Protect Your Jewelry from Jewelers
Asscher Cut Diamonds
No better fashion statement exists than the Asscher cut diamond. Square cut with the ability to bring you deep into the diamond to linger its clarity. A dramatic Asscher cut diamond says I love you with class!

How to Prevent Your Diamond From Being Switched
Would You know if your diamond gem stone had been switched during a routine cleaning at the jewelers?


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After all, viruses that invade your computer can be a decidedly bad thing and we are always being warned to look out for them. Of course, viruses that infect the human body are rarely seen as a good thing. However, viral marketing can be a good thing if it is used correctly.

Viral marketing was given that name because it can exponentially increase, much like a real virus does, the number of times that your message is seen. It really is nothing more that a way to get others to distribute your information for you. If every person who sees your message sends it along to others and they in turn send it on to others, very soon your information has flooded the internet with very little work on your part.

So how do you accomplish such a feat? By understanding human nature. People love free things and will pass the information about them on to their friends and colleagues, but only if it requires no effort on their part. It works best if people aren't really even aware that they are passing on your information.
Perhaps the best example is Hotmail.com. They offered free e-mail. Everyone who signed up for e-mail accounts with them sent an advertisement for Hotmail every time they sent an e-mail. If they had been asked to tell their friends about Hotmail, the strategy would quite likely have failed.

Instead the information was sent out every time the Hotmail e-mail was used with no additional effort on the part of the user or Hotmail's management.
So, What is viral marketing? It is a method of getting information out and it can be a great asset to you business. Offer a product or service that people truly want. Make it easy to pass that information along, if possible without any additional effort. Then sit back and watch your numbers grow.


Bulan puasa bulan yang penuh hikmah sehingga amal ibadah yang kita jalankan akan dilipat gandakan pahalanya oleh Alloh S.W.T untuk itu kita sebagai sesama muslim yang lagi menjalankan ibadah puasa tidak salahnya berbagi kebahagiaan misal dengan cara saling mengirimkan Kata-Kata Ucapan Selamat Berbuka Puasa kepada sahabat,teman ataupun keluarga jauh bisa melalui sms,bbm,google+ atau media sosial seperti facebook,twitter dan lain-lain.

Setelah menahan lapar dan dahaga seharian tentunya waktu yang ditunggu tungu oleh kita adalah saat adzan maghrib berkumandang sehingga kegembiraan pun tiba,nah untuk itu tidak ada salahnya kita berbagi kegembiraan dengan cara berbagi Kata-Kata Ucapan Selamat Berbuka Puasa dengan teman teman.


Berikut Kata-Kata Ucapan Selamat Berbuka Puasa yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda semoga saja bermanfaat dan menjadi kebaikan untuk kita semua.Aamiin......

Merdunya lantunan adzan yang bekumandang dari kejauhan,dengan senyum yang penuh kebahagiaan,ku ucapkan selamat berbuka puasa teman-teman.

Hargai waktu dengan cara memperbanyak ibadah,seperti kita menghargai adzan maghrib di bulan ramadhan ini,Selamat Berbuka Puasa.

Allahumma lakasumtu wabika amantu, Seharian lamanya menahan lapar dan dahaga,
dan seharian telah menahan nafsu ujian dunia,
telah tiba saat yang di nanti nanti, selamat berbuka puasa.

Walau jarak yang jauh telah memisahkan kita, namun aku tidak galau dan gundah,
karena aku masih bisa mengucapkan selamat berbuaka puasa, semoga puasanya di terima Aamiin.

Beduk telah di tabuh, azan maghrib akan segera berkumandang, mari kita laksanakan ibadah yang di nantikan,
selamat berbuka puasa, dan usahakan memilih makanan yang di sunnahkan Oleh rasulullah.

Selamat berbuka puasa untuk orang ganteng dan cantik,,,!
heehh,,kamu tu kalo gak ngerasa ganteng/cantik
cepetan buka puasa sana!!!!
jangan baca sms mulu
met berbuka puasa ya sobat,,, he he he

Perut melilit seharian menahan lapar, air liur menetes didongkrak nafsu.
Untung di sampingku ada kekasih yang bisa menemaniku untuk menahan lapar dan nafsu.
Mari kita berbuka puasa.

Di swalayan beli buah-buahan, ada buah semangka dan kurma,
bersama senyum manis aku ucapkan. Selamat berbuka puasa.

Bikin kolak pake buah pisang,janagan lupa taruh santan dan pemanis , buatmu yang manis. Selamat berbuka puasa.

Setiap malam bagaikan malam beribu bintang bila kamu disini untuk sekedar menemani wangi yang slalu tersaji di satu sisi
Selamat buka puasa.

Kata-Kata Ucapan Selamat Berbuka Puasa diatas mungkin bisa kita gunakan untuk kita berbagi dengan teman teman dan semoga saja ada manfaatnya.


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Aktor ganteng yang satu ini memang lagi di gandrungi para remaja terutama para wanita abg yang mungkin karena kegantengannya sehingga mereka sangat mengidolakan Aliando.dalam dunia hiburan televisi Aliando sendiri merupakan aktris pendatang baru khususnya di dunia sinetron indonesia.

Aktris yang memiliki nama lengkap Muhammad Ali Syarief ini merupakan artis keturunan,memiliki darah Arab dari ayahnya dan Indonesia dari ibunya,sehingga Aliando memiliki wajah yang ganteng dan enak dipandang oleh mata .

Nah untuk itu mumpung Aliando lagi digandrungi disini kami akan coba berikan Kumpulan Foto Biodata Dan Profil Aliando Lengkap sehingga dapat memuaskan para fans Aliando yang juga punya sebutan alicious.berikut kita simak aja Foto dan Biodata Aliando:


Biodata Aliando
Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Ali Syarief
Nama Popular : Aliando
Lahir : Jakarta, Indonesia, 26 Oktober 1996
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Aktor, penyanyi
Orangtua : Syarief Alkhatiri (ayah) dan Tengku Resi Revado (ibu)
Hoby : Main drum, sepakbola, menyanyi
Buku Favorite : Ensiklopedia
Jenis Music : Rock, Moderent Rock, Poprock, R&B, Jazz, Slow
Makanan Favorite : rendang, ayam gulai, roti, daging, pecel ayam
Minuman Favorite : es jeruk, jus alpukat, teh es, air putih
Favorite Games : Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty
Alamat : Jalan. Jati 3 Kayuringin Bekasi
Klub Sepakbola favorite: Internazionale Milan,Barcelona,Manchester United
Sekolah: TK Alhusna,SD Alhusna, SMP Martia Bakti
Twitter : @AlySyarief

  • Bara Bere
  • Ibrahim Anak Betawi
  • ABG Jadi Manten (Sudah Keluar)
  • Ganteng Ganteng Serigala (2014)


  • Cinta Monyet Di Kantin Sekolah
  • Komisi Pemberantasan Setan (KPS)
  • Petaka Homeschooling
  • 12:12
  • Headphone Suara Hati
  • Kukibarkan Benderaku
  • Yuk Kita Sekolah
  • Persada Langit Biru
  • Rama dan Shinta (indosiar)
  • Lolly love (TransTV)
  • Si Badil dan Blangkon Ajaib
  • Janji Hati (segera)
  • cinta monyet di kantin (sctv)
Semoga Kumpulan Foto Biodata Dan Profil Aliando Lengkap di atas dapat memuaskan para Alicious khususnya dan umumnya bagi kita para pecinta sinetron.


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A TV set top box determines what all services you can watch and avail on your television screen. Therefore, the set top box price is also determined by the number of services being offered. Although, the initial cost of a box and its installation might be higher than a usual TV connection, the TV watching experience has vastly improved with a digital set top box. From standard set top box to HD set top boxes and digital TV recorders, you can find a large number of options in the market depending upon your requirements and the budget in mind. Set top box price in India is being determined by the competitive forces as a large number of companies have entered into the market and want to capture the maximum share. Some of the additional services and benefits that come with a TV set top box are-

* DVD quality picture and enhanced sound quality to give you unparalleled television watching experience
* Set top box supports recording, pause, and rewind and you no longer can to miss out on your favourite shows or fight for the remote! Watch the recorded programs at your convenience

* Even though the quality offered by a digital set top box is quite supreme, you can still get five times better picture quality with a High Definition set top box. This is ideal for flat screen TV sets

* High end set top boxes also support add-ons like gaming among many others

* With a TV set top box, you can use your set top box to order movies on demand from the options displayed by your network operator. There is never a dull moment once you install these boxes.

* Every set top box comes with a universal remote, though the additional features may vary upon the type of set top box installed

* Set top box India can be connected to your laptops and internet connection via an HDMI port where you can use your internet services to download any movie straight to your TV screens or view the laptop content on the big screen of your television

* Set top box price depends on the type of box chosen, but due to the high competition, the prices have reduced from the initial cost. A Standard set top box price in India is anywhere between Rs. 1800 to Rs. 2500 while high end boxes can also cost up to Rs. 5000 to Rs. 15,000

* Once installed, set top boxes are pretty low maintenance and there are hardly any disruptions. However, in case of need, the after sale service and maintenance is pretty fast and cheap

Source URL: website Top Boxes


I am overwhelmed at the staggering ideas that somehow god is telling some of us what to do. So many people claim god has given this law or that law or a specific design on morality to them. Yet so often these "god" laws coincidentally match up to what the person wants who is claiming this god law.
It allows the claimer to be right, to have control and to sit in judgement over those with a different set of morals who think there are other ways to live and be.

And I am underwhelmed by the people who continue to not respond intelligently in regards to this constant push and pull and dumbing down of human behavior. Right now it appears we are gathering collectively, intellectually, globally at a fork in the spiritual road. Anger, fear, resentment, selfishness, separation, violence on one path and respect, compassion, service, wisdom, abundance, acceptance on the other.
I hope this is not too trite, or overly simplified and sappy like some new agey wishful thinking. But today I have to talk about it.

I assume God is intelligent. Would any religious person have us believe otherwise about god? If god is intelligent and we are created in "gods" image, then should we not use this intelligence god is and has gifted us and the entire universe with? Some would say we do.

Some would say we don't and others would say we shouldn't. But, here is a thought: Borrowed from certain religious views. If god is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipowerful force that intelligently created all this universe and if we are created in gods image. Then it follows that we have some elements of this omni-ability.

It suggests we have intelligence that can lead us to behavior that is coherent and respectful of each other and all of life. In the same harmonious way that the "creator" created the perfection of the universe. When we think of the technology, cultures and abilities we have developed and created over time is this not an expressing this intelligence?
It seems the creator tinkered with some things such as dinosaurs, meteors, star systems, black holes, bacteria, fungus, light speed etc. If so, why does this tinkering of intellectual expression stop with technology and not continue on into personal power?

It seems our measure of intelligence and human growth over millennia is our capacity for making things? Highly advanced technology. Why do we separate god from technology? And believe in god that has created laws and morality that is not connected to technology?
Or if it is connected to technology and creativity why do we allow ourselves to create technology that is destructive? We have created this human modern world that is dirty and apparently self-destructive. Is that a reflection of this god like intelligence?

In what way does this express "created in gods image"? Are we really listening to everything that "god" is telling us?
All of the issues in this political climate are too numerous to state here. If we are being morally encouraged and or judged by people who believe god is guiding them in morality then the intelligence of this morality must include the technologies we create and continue to develop.

Technologies that are convenient, helpful, dirty and destructive and which can be used for good as well as bad. Including food, cars, fuels, phones, fertilizers, poisons, clothing, shoes, electricity, medical science, guns, bombs, cameras, computers, paint, chemicals; do you get my drift with this?

It is a list of how we are and what we do that goes on and on. And yet somehow science (certain science) sex, prayer, patriotism, art, education are the realm of gods' morality laws. Ecology, corporations, banking, business, gadgetry, are exempt. And of course worship houses, war, prison, police and courts, are the absolute realm of these morality laws; using the technology to enforce them.
How does our technology, that grows and changes over time, relate to these laws and moralities handed down by god? This is not a rhetorical question I really want to know.

I have heard people say that satan is at work in much of this. That there is a war between god and satan. If so do the god law morality people continue to sin by using the technologies created or inspired by satan? Are we fooling ourselves to think that God and Satan are really controlling things?

I am not a christian, muslim, jew, hindu, buddhist, sufi, or any other religious order. I read and study and discuss with people regarding all of them. I am a man of earth, I am spirit wearing skin. I am really baffled by the right and wrong, blame and shame discussions that go on with humans.

And now we function at such a large scale that the absurdity of thinking one way is right over billions of people is as I said overwhelming and really just not smart. I also realize that simply by writing and posting this I am in the mix of this morality discussion. I am doing my best to be nonjudgemental and it is a real challenge when people say and do things affecting me and my loved ones that are punitive, mean spirited, violent, angry and disdainful in the name of god.

All the while espousing how god loves us...all of us.
So the place I am in today and the way I choose to live is; I continue to serve, help and offer solace. I will watch and listen for injustice and do my best to act in a healthy manner. But humans have the choice to evolve into higher being or not. To breathe vitriol or to breathe respect.
Our high technology puts us in this exciting place right now. Instant communication, collective actions, potential for immense growth, or immense destruction. I am not sure which fork in the spiritual road we are taking but I continue to be a hopeful pessimist.


Memiliki wajah bersih  mulus tanpa jerawat adalah dambaan setiap orang di dunia terutama para wanita yang sangat detail memperhatikan penampilannya,memiliki wajah bersih tanpa jerawat merupakan cerminan hidup sehat,sebab wajah penuh jerawat kadang suka dikaitkan dengan kehidupan yang kurang sehat atau bisa dikatakan jorok, namun semua itu tidak dapat dibenarkan karena jerawat sendiri bisa tumbuh karena jenis kulit kita.

Wajah berjerawat memang akan sangat mengganggu terutama dalam hal penampilan karena biasanya orang yang berjerawat kadang merasa minder atau kurang pede dalam pergaulannya,namun terlepas dari itu jaman sekarang banyak sekali produk produk modern yang khusus unuk menghilangkan jerawat,tapi produk yang banyak di perjual belikan itu tidak tenjamin kesehatannya karena telah tercampur dengan bahan kimia yang mungkin dalam jangka waktu yang panjang akan memberikan efek yang buruk bagi kesehatan kita.

Untuk itu disini kami akan berikan Tips Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami Dan Tradisional yang akan sangat mudah kita praktekan karena selain sudah terbukti khasiatnya juga sangat mudah didapat bahan bahannya berikut Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami Dan Tradisional:

1. Dengan Tomat
Buah atau sayuran yang satu ini memang banyak sekali manfaatnnya karena banyak mengandung vitamin dan zat anti oksidan yang dapat menghancurkan radikal bebas.dan juga tomat sangat bermanfaat untuk mengilangkan jerawat dengan cara iris/potong buah tomat menjadi dua bagian kemudian oles oleskan pada wajah dengan merata lakukan cara ini secara berkesinambungan dan Insya Alloh wajah kita akan terbebas dari jerawat.

2. Dengan Jeruk Nipis
Jeruk nipis mengandung citric acid yang dapat bermanfaat bagi kulit diantaranya memindahkan sel kulit mati yang menyebabkan jerawat sehingga jeruk nipis dapat menghilangkan jerawat dengan cepat.
caranya: peras jeruk nipis kemudian campukan dengan air mawar lalu oleskan pada wajah secara merata biarkan selama 10-15 menit kemudian bilas dengan air hangat lakukan cara ini secara konsisten dalam 2 minggu dan rasakan sendiri manfaatnya.

3. Dengan Putih Telur
Putih telur banyak mengandung  mineral sehingga dapat menghilangkan jerawat, digunakan sebagai masker wajah  dimana banyak yang meyakini dapat mencerahkan kulit caranya ambil telur lalu pisahkan kuning telurnya kemudian ambil putih telurnya kocok sebentar lalu oleskan pada wajah secara merata diamkan selama 15 menit.putih telur ini dapat mengurangi minyak diwajah sebagai penyebab jerawat.

4. Dengan Bawang Putih
Nah untuk menghilangkan jerawat dengan bawang putih ada dua pilihan yang dapat anda coba  diantaranya:
-yang pertama dengan menumbuk bawang putih 1biji sampai halus kemudian oleskan pada wajah secara merata diamkan selama 10 menit lalu bilas dengan air.
-yang kedua dangan cara mengkonsumsi 1 siung bawang putih setiap hari  banyak sekali yang berpendapat dengan cara ini sangat efektif untuk menghilangkan jerawat,namun banyak sekali orang yang sangat tidak suka dengan bau dari bawang tersebut namun tidak usah khawatir karena banyak cara tradisional yang lainnya.

5. Dengan Pasta Gigi/Odol
memang banyak sekali yang menyangsikan cara ini  namun banyak pula yang pernah mencobanya dan berhasil menghilangkan jerawat dengan cepat. caranya sangat mudah dan tak jauh dengan cara cara diatas yaitu oleskan pasta gigi kebagian yang berjerawat sebelum tidur lalu biarkan semalaman sampai kita bangun tidur kemudian bilas dengan air.

Nah itulah Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami dan Tradisional yang patut anda coba dan tidak akan ada efeksamping bagi kesehatan kita.


Dakine Sentry Backpack, 24-Liter, Terrain

Dakine Sentry Backpack, 24-Liter, Terrain

Dakine Sentry Backpack- In Hawaiian slang, "Da Kine" means the best and the company has lived up to this standard through attention to detail, focus on accessories and a notoriously thorough design process.

List Price : $75.00

Amazon.com Price : $41.22

List below is why i think all of you should buy Dakine Sentry Backpack, 24-Liter, Terrain

Padded laptop sleeve fits most 15" laptops
Fleece lined phone pocket
Padded bottom panel

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This form of marketing is dependent on peers passing the information on to multiple others via online social networks. When executed well a viral campaign should spread rapidly and become referenced and talked about across multiple internet channels.

It is most powerful when it taps into the breadth of its customers' weak connections to others. Therefore tapping the customer's entire address book is obviously of more value than just reaching their best friend. Ultimately it is the way that ideas have always spread through communities If something has value then people want to share it.

These methods work when the product is something of value so efforts towards design, usability, and solving pain is most of the solution.It then becomes two efforts, creating the conventions from web 1.0 that people expect, share with a friend is an example and the unique web 2.0 strategies that are more social, using rss/blogs, etc.

Viral marketing creates a win/win situation for all parties. The user is provided a service or valuable information for free and in turn provides your site with free advertising.It is so successful because it creates the curiosity and desire needed to generate the demand for a product or service. It causes people to seek it out.

Hotmail used this form of marketing in a small way that produced big results. At the bottom of each of the emails sent, they included a small line that said something like "get your free email account with hotmail. Hotmail is now one of the biggest free web-based email providers, and one of the longest running alongside yahoo and a few others.

Ultimately hotmail piggybacked on personal emails from one person to another to publicize their free email service. At a time when few people had email,the first and only free email service in the marketplace was appealing and novel - hence their rapid adoption and spread.

Viral marketing existed way before 'viral marketing' if you were a marketer, I'd say it was doing your job. As it takes advantage of the millions of communities that all of us have built up naturally,that's you and me .In reality it has been around forever, spreading the word through word-of-mouth was the world's first form of viral marketing.

It will yield its best results if a valuable and tangible incentive is offered, that will entice individuals to forward an email message to their friends.However,marketers should limit the incentive to a specific quantity to avoid spam-like distribution of the message.

Viral marketing essentially relies on other people to get involved. You can learn the ways to help motivate them and can feed them the information and campaigns that are mostly likely to spark their interest, but ultimately you have no control over what they do with it.

Viral marketing still has the strongest effect if your product can be somehow incorporated into the communication between two people. This includes phone systems (mci), electronic postcards (blue mountain), free e-mail (hotmail), and the communications tool that someone is inventing in his or her garage as you're reading this chapter.

It is always as effective as others say it is if only it would be done properly. It is effective, yes.However it does depend on a high pass-along rate from person to person.If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly.

Viral marketing extends this into the digital domain by harnessing the electronic connectivity of individuals to spread your message. It describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence.

Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions. Viral marketing is similar in nature to a contagious disease, in the way it spreads. However, it's always beneficial to the business conducting the campaign.

Essentially it works best in combination with e-mail marketing, since e-mail marketing provides viral marketing with a great communication medium. You can use e-mail to spread the message as really it is a good bit about winning hearts and minds. Viral marketing is advertising that you voluntarily pass around because it's cool, not necessarily because you want to help build publicity.

There is some noticeable overlap where a guerrilla ad that doesn't quite look like an ad is so great that you end up telling other people about it.A notable survey was done recently on such an add and it showed a full 70% of people interviewed remembered seeing the ad so viral marketing if done right is incredibly powerful stuff.

It is creating an awareness of a product or a service, without really advertising it. For instance, you wear branded jeans with the name tag on the back.Therefore viral marketing helps to spread the word and can help produce a result.

Also it facilitates and encourages people to pass along a message voluntarily. Viral marketing is essentially the word-of-mouth or refer-a-friend tactic done through the internet. The concept is actually very simple: promote your brand, product or service by creating a message that is intriguing and entertaining enough that people would want to pass it to their friends online.
Viral Marketing is but one of many techniques that together have a cumulative effect in attracting customers and subscribers to your business - in attracting targeted visitors to your website. Momentum is gained by aiming every element of the overall strategy at developing the relationship with your visitors.

It has been able to successfully allow marketers to increase the value of free services online, because referrals are the major way that most people market with free services. So, these tools of internet marketing have been able to allow people to significantly pursue various affiliate programs in order to increase the value of these free services.

Viral marketing campaigns can achieve great success they just have to be planned out like any other marketing campaign. Undeniably it is considered as one of the most powerful methods of internet marketing and advertising today.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost. To avoid being tagged as spam mail,it counts on the eagerness of one person to pass on the product. Clear market evidence shows it is doing it's job on the consumers, it keeps them on-line and now with domino pizza, consumers are buying products just to get more marketing, a never ending cycle.

What ever happened to letting anticipation build just waiting for some movie to come out, that carrot in front of you face has gotten bigger and your wallet is getting smaller. It was huge in the mid-90's before the dot-com bubble burst and everyone realized that eyeballs didn't necessarily translate into dollars.

However Viral marketing if done right can be a cost effective way to get the word out about your business and get customers buying.Although it's fair to say that alot of people talk about viral marketing,but they don't do it very well. It also describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the messages exposure and influence.

Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message from one to two to thousands , to millions.One of it's major strengths is it uses the power of one customer's recommendation to another.Therefore that helps to spread the word about a product or company.As viral marketing is a method of encouraging recipients to pass along the marketing message to other potential consumers. The impact of video email and the quality of the information presented can facilitate the proliferation of this form of personalized marketing.

Blogging started really taking off after the dot-com boom and bust. It started taking off after world-com and other corporate scandals. Blogs and other social software rely upon the trust of the reader, which is why links, references and disclaimers feature on many (not all) posts.

Transparency is key in the modern advertising-savvy marketplace.Blogs and the blogosphere in general have become an important tool in the viral marketing frontier. Many reputable bloggers are approached by companies wanting to advertise their services or products, all with the intuitive of instigating a viral effect.

Viral marketing is not only putting yourself out there with some free information, but its utilizing the
coolness factor by getting people to write about you and spread the word .It is beneficial in that it has the potential to reach large audiences very quickly meaning companies will potentially get their message to their target audience and beyond in hours. Viral marketing is a great tactic to earn revenue when promoting a product or service .

Article marketing is no doubt is an indispensable tool in internet marketing.There are many people who find writing articles to be dreadful, others may feel it is just too much work and or no one reads them. Article marketing is a process of writing meaty articles and submitting them to article directories on the Internet with the goal of getting traffic and get traffic you will if you do it right.

Viral marketing is the ethical means of driving more traffic to your website. Most of these techniques are free to implement although such will require hard work and commitment. However be very aware that it is a sophisticated strategy that requires considerable thought .

Essentially it is the technical term for what is commonly known as word-of-mouth advertising. Although viral marketing is as old as human civilization itself, the internet has brought its efficacy and reach to a new level, and the technologies that provide the motive force behind this movement continue to evolve.

Personally, if I'd been busted for being a poser and poorly imitating youth pop culture i would avoid using phrases like - Busted. I think pop culture and viral marketing have a lot in common as they are both engaging, creative, and unfortunately in the most part largely misunderstood.

I certainly feel word-of-mouth and viral marketing are one of the best ways to advertise a product to consumers as i feel it's honest and really gives consumers the perspective from an unbiased individual.

Again, I stress that this is a legitimate marketing tactic which can achieve fantastic results if it is done correctly.As internet marketing is extremely competitive you should use all the avenues that are available to you in advertising your web site and products.

Experiment with the various ways of viral marketing until you find the ones that work best for you. Internet competition is a ruthless and competitive rivalry that shows no mercy.Therefore every means and methods of internet marketing should be used and employed.


Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Feel spiritually divine when you wear our elegant Silver Tree of Life Dangle Earrings. The tree of life is all about the interconnectivity of all living things on earth, and is the perfect accessory to show you are a loving spiritual soul. These fabulous pair of tree of life earrings are simply stunning. Finely crafted from .925 sterling silver, these enchanting yet affordable dangle earrings have a swirly open tree design, and will dazzle with every move you make. Perfect to wear with a casual or formal outfit, these pair of chic and elegant Tree of life jewelry is always popular because of the earthy design that it has, and is the perfect present for nature lovers or anyone on your holiday gift list.

List Price : $81.99

Amazon.com Price : $39.99

Here is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Tree of Life Dangle Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Tree of Life dangle earrings
1in L x 1in W
.925 Sterling silver
Total Weight 4.4 grams
pierced ears only

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Memiliki seorang anak merupakan anugerah sekaligus kepercayaan yang diberikan Sang Maha Pencipta kepada pasangan suami istri,dimana memiliki anak merupakan pelengkap dalam keluarga yang dapat menghadirkan dinamisasi dan keharmonisan dalam keluarga tersebut.
Memberikan nama pada buah hati merupakan tanggung jawab yang pertama bagi orang tua karena nama merupakan identitas yang sangat penting dan dalam agama pun nama itu adalah sebuah doa yang harus mempunyai makna dan arti yang baik,tapi selain harus mempunyai makna dan arti yang baik memberikan nama harusla enak didengar di ucapkan.

Untuk itu disini kami coba berikan Nama Nama Bayi Islami Laki Laki Modern yang Insha Alloh memiliki makna dan arti yang baik dan juga enak didengar dan dilisankan dan juga tidak ketinggalan jaman.hehehe
Berikut Kumpulan Nama Nama Bayi Islami Laki Laki Modern yang lengkap dengan artinya:

1. ABBAD NAILUN NABHAN : Laki-laki yang tekun beribadah dan mendapatkan kemuliaan

2. ABDAN KHAIRI TSABIT : Seorang hamba yang selalu konsisten berbuat kebaikan

3. ABDAN NU`MAN WAFIE : Seorang hamba yang memiliki kenikmatan yang sempurna

4. ABDAN RAJA SYADID : Seorang hamba yang memiliki harapan yang kuat

5. ABDU ARIQIN HALIM : Seorang hamba yang berbudi baik dan lembut

6. ABDUH HUBBU SYARIF : Hamba Allah yang mencintai kemuliaan

7. ABDUL LATIF ABBASY : Hamba Allah yang lembut dan rajin berusaha

8. ABDUL WAHAB KHALAF : Anak laki-laki yang baik sebagai hamba Allah Yang Maha Memberi

9. ABDULLAH ANWAR RABBANI : Hamba Allah yang memancarkan cahaya ketuhanan

10. ABU DZAR AL-GHIFARI :  : Anak laki-laki yang selalu memaafkan bagaikan debu yang beterbangan

1 .BAHIR SHIRAJ ADDIEN : Pelita agama yang bersinar terang

2. BAHRIE AHSAN ASSHOBAR : Lautan keindahan dalam bersabar

3. BAHRU AYAD ASSYAKUR : Lautan kenikmatan dalam bersyukur

4. BAHTIAR JEFRY HUSNI : Tanah perdamaian yang kaya dan indah

5. BAIT AL-QARIS QURRATAAIN : Rumah yang sangat sejuk dan sedap dipandang mata

6. BAKRIE MUNIR JAUHAR : Permata yang bersinar di pagi hari
7. BANI KHAFID : Keturunan laki-laki penghafal Al-Qur`an

8. BANU MIBRAS NAUFAL : Putra pemberani dan dermawan

9. BARIE GHANDUR HABIBULLAH : Pemuda tampan dan cerdas kekasih Allah

10. BARIQ KHALAF MAHDY : Anak yang baik yang mendapat hidayah dan cahaya

1. DAFFA IBNU HAFIDZ : Anak laki-laki yang memelihara sesuatu dan memiliki pertahanan diri

2. DAHLAN ZAINUL ARIFIN : Orang yang baik, bijaksana dan memiliki kelebihan

3. DAI RIJAL EL-RAFIF : Anak laki-laki pejuang dakwah yang berakhlak baik

4. DANY FAYYADHI ZHAFAR : Orang yang dekat dengan kemenangan yang mulia

5. DARIS TAMIM SADAD : Pelajar yang memiliki daya cipta yang sempurna dan bertindak tepat

6. DARU SYARIF FIRDAUS : Orang yg terhormat dan mulia memiliki tempat yang damai di surga

7. DARY MUHADZDZIB : Orang yang bijaksana dan memiliki akhlak terpuji

8. DHAWY TAJUDDIN SAFAR : Mahkota agama yang bersinar di bulan Safar

9. DHIRGHAM HAIDAR ARHAB : Singa pemberani yang berfikir tajam

10. DZAKIR KHAFADI : Penghafal Al-Qur’an yang memiliki daya ingat kuat

1. FAISAL KHALIL : Sahabat yang dapat dipercaya sebagai pemisah yang benar dan yang salah

2. FAITH SYUJA RUSYDI : Pemimpin pemberani yang menunjukan jalan yang lurus

3. FAIZ JUNAIDI : Tentara yang menang

4. FAKHRIE ZHAFRAN KHAIRY : Kebanggaan orang yang menang dalam kebaikan

5. FALAH ASSAHIB RAHMAT : Teman yang beruntung dan mendapat kasih sayang Allah

6. FAQIH KHAIRY RAHMAN : Ahli fiqih yang banyak memiliki kebaikan dan kasih sayang

7. FARID ATALLAH : Karunia Allah yang tidak ada bandingnya

8. FATHAN AL-MAISAN ZHAFAR : Bintang pembuka kemenangan

9. FAYI RIJAL SHABUHA : Laki-laki yang harum wajahnya berseri-seri

10. FIKRI NAKHLA RAFIE : Orang besar dan pandai yang memiliki cita-cita tinggi

1. GHAFAR ARIEF : anak laki-laki yang suka memaafkan dan bijaksana

2. GHALY SAAD RIFAI : Anak laki-laki yang berharga, bijaksana dan tinggi martabatnya

3. GHANY YAZID KHAIRY : Kekayaan yang semakin bertambah adalah kebaikan

4. GHAZALY DZAKIR : Daya ingat yang kuat secepat kijang

5. GHAZY GHALIBIE : Prajurit yang menang

6. GHUFRON SAJADI TAISIR : Anak laki-laki yang bersujud kepada Allah mendapat pengampunan dan kemudahan


1. HAIDAR ALMAIRI TSAQIB : Pangeranku yang pemberani dan cerdas

2. HAIDAR SAADI : Singa yang bijaksana

3. HAIL QURUNUL BAHRI : Mutiara laut yang luar biasa

4. HAMDANI KHAFIE NAJIH : Pujian yang tersembunyi sebagai anugerah sebuah petunjuk

5. HANIF ABBAD : Muslim yang teguh dan tekun beribadah

6. HARIS ATHA : Kerinduan adalah sebuah anugerah

7. HARUN ABDURRAHMAN : Semoga seperti Nabi Harun hamba dari Allah yang maha pengasih 

8. HAUZAN IRHAB NABIL : Manusia yang berfikir tajam dan terhormat

9. HAZIM ZHAFRAN : Orang yang menang adalah yang berkemauan keras

10. HELMI YAQDHAN : Orang yang sabar dan berakal dan selalu terjaga

1. IFAT AS-SYARIF : Orang yang terhormat dan mulia yang senantiasa menjaga diri

2. IHSAN JALALUDDIN : Kebajikan dan keluhuran agama

3. IKHWAN MARUF YAFIE : Laki-laki baik yang tinggi dan terhormat
4. ILHAM AYADI : Isyarat yang baik dari sesuatu yang dapat menguatkan

5. ILHAM GHALIB AHNAF : Anak laki-laki yang menjadi petunjuk kemenangan yang lurus

6. IMRAN MAMUN : Pemimpin yang dipercaya 

7. IQBAL ARKAB GHAFUR : Anak laki-laki yg sejahtera dan memiliki hati yg lapang serta suka memaafkan

8. IRFAN YUSRAN : anak laki-laki yang memiliki pengetahuan dan kekayaan

9. ISMAT YAQDHAN : Anak laki-laki yang terjaga kekuatannya untuk mejauhi maksiat

10. ISTADZ MUNIB : Guru yang berada di jalan Allah

1. JABAR ASYAMIE : Pemimpin mulia yang memiliki kekuatan dan kekuasan

2. JABIR FAKHRUDDIN : Pembaharu yang agung sebagai kebanggaan agama

3. JAFAR SHAFWAN FIRDAUS : Bagaikan sungai yang jernih di surga Firdaus

4. JALIL SYARIF FAWWAZI : Laki-laki terhormat yang memiliki kekuasaan besar dan keberuntungan

5. JAMAL JAWAHIR : Permata-permata yang indah

6. JAMALUDDIN FARID : Keindahan agama yang tidak ada bandingnya

7. JAMHURI TSAQIEB : Ilmuan yang cerdas

8. JAMIL ALAWI QODAMA : Semoga seperti keturunan Ali bin abi Thalib yang tampan dan pemberani

9. JAWAD KHALAF HUBBAN : Anak baik yang pemurah dan penuh cinta kasih 

10.JAWAHIR BARRAQ ASYRAF : Permata-permata yang lebih mulia dan berkilauan

1. KAMIL AHSAN EL-JUNDI : Prajurit yang sempurna kebaikannya

2. KAMIL MUHYIDDIN : Anak laki-laki yang sempurna menghidupkan agama

3. KAZHIM ZAINAL ARIEF : Orang yang dapat mengekang amarah, baik dan bijaksana

4. KHAFID NUMAN RIFAI : Laki-laki penghafal Al Qur’an sebagai anugerah hidup yang tinggi

5. KHALIL ZAYAN : Sahabat yang dapat dipercaya sangat elok wajahnya

6. KHALIQ JUNAIDI AKMAL : Pencipta prajurit yang lebih sempurna

7. KHALIQ NAJAMUDDIN ZUHDI : Bintang agama yang menciptakan kerendahan hati

8. KHASYI SALAHUDDIN : Laki-laki yang khusyu dalam sholat dan menegakkan tiang agama

9. KHATAM LAAL BARRAQIE : Cincin intan berwarna merah yang berkilauan

10. KHIAR KHATAM RAMADHAN : Kebaikan yang diterima di penghujung bulan Ramadhan

1. LAMYA NAJMU ADDIEN : Laki-laki yang berkilau bagaikan bintang agama

2. LATHIEF AKMAL EL-AZZAM : Laki-laki yang memiliki kelembutan dan kemauan kuat yang lebih sempurna

3. LUAY AKHDAN MAHFUDZ : Kekuatan seorang sahabat yang terpelihara 

4. LUQMAN HAKIM AYYASI : Mudah mudahan seperti Luqman yang bijaksana dan berumur panjang

5. LUTHFIE SAKHI ZAIDAN : Laki-laki lembut yang murah hati dan memiliki banyak kelebihan

1. MAHBUB JUNAIDI : Prajurit yang dicintai

2. MAJDI BADRANI : Kemuliaan dua bulan purnama

3. MAJID FAKHRUDDIN : Anak laki-laki yang berbudi luhur yang merupakan kebanggaan agama

4. MALKA SYARIEF FIRDAUS : Tempat bertemunya orang yang mulia dan terhormat adalah di surga Firdaus

5. MIRZA UKAIL : Anak laki-laki yang baik dan pandai

6. MUHSIN TAMAM : Laki-laki yang berbuat kebaikan dengan sempurna

7. MUNADHIL ISMAN HALIM : Suami setia yang menolong dengan penuh kelembutan dan kesabaran

1. NABIHAN KHALIQ : Anak laki-laki yang mulia dan kreatif

2. NABIL FAYADH : Anak laki-laki yang cerdik dan murah hati

3. NAJDAT ALTAMIS : Panglima yang pemberani

4. NAUFAL AFKAR : Anak laki-laki yang dermawan dan bijak

5. NAWAF SYIHABUDDIN YAFIQ : Bintang Agama yang tinggi dan mulia

6. NAZRAN SAADUDDIN : Visi agama yang membahagiakan

7. NIYAZ KHALIL : Harapan dari seorang sahabat

8. NURHAN AFKAR FADHIL : Cahaya raja yang bijak dan utama

9. NUWAIR BADRUN : Anak laki-laki yang bagaikan cahaya bulan purnama

1. QAID JAMAIL : Panglima perang yang tampan

2. QARY AHNAF : Pembaca Al-Qur’an yang memiliki keteguhan iman yang lebih

3. QINDI IZZATUL MUNAWWIR : Pelita kemuliaan yang bersinar

4. QOWIYYAN AMIN : Ank laki-laki yang kuat dan terpercaya

5. QUTHBIE ZAYAN : Pemimipin yang sangat elok wajahnya

1. RAFIQI HAMLAN : Sahabat yang mandiri

2. RAID KHADIM SHALIHAN : Pemimpin sukarelawan yang baik

3. RAIF ANAQIE : Sang penyayang yang indah menawan hati

4. RAIHAN MAWARDI KHALIS : Air mawarku yang wangi dan suci

5. RAMADHAN AHNAF : Bulan Ramadhan yang penuh dengan keteguhan iman

6. RAZIQ HANAN : Anak laki-laki yang murah rizeki dan dikasihi Allah

7. RIFQIE NADIM UKAIL : Sahabat yang lemah lembut dan pintar

8. RIYAD JINAN FAYI : Taman Surga yang wangi

9. RIYADH HAFIZH : Taman yang terpelihara

10. RUZAIN ANWAR : Tempat yang tentram dan bercahaya

1. SABIQ EL-FATHIN : Anak laki-laki cerdas yang terdepan

2. SABQIE HAMZAH AZIB : Keutamaanku adalah kebijaksanaan dan kesabaran

3. SAFARAZ AKMA FADHIL : Anak laki-laki yang terhormat sebagai pemimpin yang mulia

4. SAFWAN HASNAWI : Anak laki-laki dari keturunan mulia yang bersih dan penuh keikhlasan

5. SAHLAN IMRAN JAZLI : Anak laki-laki yang memiliki kemudahan budi bahasa dan fasih

6. SAID KHAIRUL IKHWAN : Anak laki-laki yang bahagia adalah saudara yang baik

7. SAIFUL HADZIQ AFIF : Anak laki yang memiliki kecerdasan yang tajam dan senantiasa menjaga kesucian diri

8. SAIFULLAH MUHAIMIN : Pedang Allah yang menjaga dan memelihara

9. SAKHI KAFIL HUSAIN : Majikan yang murah hati dan baik

10. SHALAHUDDIN WADI : Kebaikan agama yang menentramkan

1. TAHFIZ ILMAN KHATAB : Ahli pidato yang hafal akan ilmu

2. TAHSIN AGHA AFKAR : Anak laki-laki pemimpin yang mampu melakukan perubahan kebijakan

3. THARIQ ANWAR KARIM : Bintang fajar yang memancarkan cahaya kemuliaan

4. TSABIT HASNAIN HAMLAN : Dua kebaikan yang kokoh dan berdiri sendiri

5. TSAMIN FARID ADDIN : Permata agama yang sangat bernilai

6. TSANY ASMAR BANU : Putra kedua yang hitam manis

7. TUFAIL HARIRI JADID : Kain suteraku yang lembut dan baik

1. UKASYA ALIF : Laba-laba yang lembut dan ramah

2. ULWAN ASSYAKUR FAWWAZ : Anak laki-laki yang memiliki rasa syukur yang tinggi akan selalu beruntung

3. UMAR MUSLIM FAWWAZ : Pemimpin muslim yang selalu beruntung

4. UMRAN SAID FAUZAN : Anak laki-laki yang tumbuh dengan penuh kebahagiaan dan kemenangan

5. USAID DAFFA NAJID : Singa kecil penjaga yang gagah berani

6. USYAIR FAHMI AHSAN : Suami yang pengertian dan baik hati

1. WABIL TAMAM ASSADIQ : Anak laki-laki pemurah yang sempurna dan tulus dalam setiap ucapannya

2. WAFRIE BANU AKMAL : Kekayaanku adalah anak yang sempurna

3. WAHAB ABDULLAH NAFI : Pemberian Hamba Allah yang bermanfaat

4. WAHID HUMAM HABIBIE : Singa pertama kesayanganku

5. WAHNAN AMIN : Anak laki-laki yang mudah untuk dipercaya

6. WALI ADDIN KHALID : Pembela agama yang setia

7. WALID RIJAL SABAT : Anak laki-laki yang dilahirkan di hari ke tujuh

8. WALIDAN AMIN : Anak laki-laki yang dapat dipercaya

9. WARDIE MABKHUT : Bunga mawarku yang penuh dengan keberuntungan

10. WASHIF EL-HAMAM : Anak laki-laki yang memiliki karakter yang unik dan ambisi yang kuat

11. WAZIFUL KHALIL : Anak laki-laki kesayangan yang tekun dan gigih

12. WAZNI HAKAM : Haikim bijaksana yang menimbang secara adil

1. YAALA FARID BAHAR : Kemuliaan batu permata yang berkilau

2. YAFIQ ANNADIM RAFIF : Pendamping yang mulia dan berakhlak baik

3 YAQDHAN RAKHA ASSAID : Anak laki-laki waspada yang memiliki kehidupan yang enak dan bahagia

4. YASYKUR ARIEF : Anak laki-laki yang pandai bersyukur dan bijaksana

5. YAZDAN SHAHIB RAKI : Belas kasih sahabat yang menundukkan kepala

6. YAZID SYARIEF UMRAN : Anak laki-laki yang bertambah mulia dan makmur

1. ZAHRAN SHABIR : Indahnya kesabaran

Anak laki-laki yang bangga dan bahagian menjadi muslim

3. ZAMIL SAIDAN KHALID : Orang yang berjalan cepat menuju kebahagiaan yang kekal

4. ZIKRIE YAZID BARA : Zikirku yang menambah ketaatan

5. ZUBAIR MALIK ANNAJMI : Raja bintang yang gagah perkasa

6. ZULFADHLI FAYYADH : Anak laki-laki dermawan yang mempunyai banyak kelebihan

7. ZULFAN AZHAR RAIHAN : Taman yang penuh bunga-bunga mewangi

8. ZULMI IKHWAN KHAIRI : Anak laki-laki yang sabar dan sopan adalah saudara yang baik  

Itulah Kumpulan Nama Nama Bayi Islami Laki Laki Modern Lengkap Dengan Artinya dari A sampai Z yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda.


Trivia: Ultra-fine (tiny-ringed) chain mail of this type, made by machine, is also used as "cloth" to make gloves to protect professional meat carvers and to protect hair dressers from burns when using professional curling irons.
What is Your Experience?Have you ever made chain mail before?
Yes, for jewelry and armor.

Yes, for jewelry only.

Yes, for armor only.

No, it's not my thing.

No, but I probably will after reading this article!
See results without voting Tools and Materials You Need to Make Chain MailTo make chain mail (often misspelled "chain maille") you will need the following:

2 pairs of flat, needle-nosed pliers (jewelry-style, without grooves in them, available in the jewelry-making section of most craft stores).

A bunch of inexpensive medium-large--for learning purposes--"jump rings", if you are going to be making a piece of jewelry (available in the jewelry-making section of most craft stores), or special-purpose rings for making armor or other types of chain mail (see references below for sources).
Note: Choosing two (2) different colors of rings, ideally copper and silver-tone, will really help in learning this technique and in following these instructions!

A velveteen mat or similar textured flat work surface, which allows you to easily pick up chain mail rings without having to set down your pliers and it keeps the rings from sliding around.

(Optional) Several small containers to hold the raw, open, and closed rings while you are not working with them.
That's it! Some people get fancier, but for this technique, this is all that you will need. Once you develop your own style you'll learn which tools and types of rings really work best for your projects.
About New or "Raw" Rings for Chain MailRings are almost universally manufactured the same way. First, the maker wraps wire around a round-shaped mandrel (a rod, for example, usually made of strong steel). Once wrapped tightly around the mandrel, the wire is cut off into individual rings. This leaves a ring that is almost, but not quite, completely closed: it is offset by one wire-diameter and there is a gap (kerf) the width of the saw or other cutting tool. It also may leave tiny burs on the metal that you may want to remove.
Do you usually hear the "click-click" when closing rings, after practicing for awhile?

Most of the time

Once in awhile

See results without votingDon't Panic!Don't worry If you don't normally hear the "click-click" sound: you're just learning a new art form! Don't panic, just re-read the section above on how to close a ring properly and practice, practice, practice. You will be able to get the "click-click" sound, but it does take practice and patience.
How to Close a Ring ProperlyYour goal is to have the rings closed so perfectly that you cannot feel the joint (unless your rings have burs from their manufacturing process) and you can only see the joint if you look very closely with a magnifier.
How to close a ring perfectly: To do this, twist the ring one wire-diameter past the point where the wire ends meet. While doing this, push the ends together twice the amount of the gap (kerf). So, with a pair of pliers in each hand, grip the ring firmly (but not too tightly or you'll leave tool marks) covering almost half of each side of the ring with the pliers with the ring opening toward the tip of the pliers. Then, you'll simply rotate the pliers slowly while pushing their tips slightly together (to create a "click-click" sound--more on that later).
Pushing the ends of the pliers together closes the gap (kerf) made during the manufacturing process of the rings. This creates tension in the ring that will help keep the gap closed and make the product stronger and prevent the ring from snagging on clothing.
Note that this is difficult to do with armor-grade (steel) rings because they are strong and require similar strength in the artisan to achieve this close of a meeting between the ends. Fortunately, it is much less critical in armor than in jewelry.
Then, twist the ends back together until they meet perfectly. The spring tension should hold the gap where the ring was cut together and your over-twist should should keep the ends aligned in a perfect circle.
Once you've mastered this technique, you will hear a tell-tale "click-click" sound as you rotate the pliers forward and back, indicating that the spring-tension will securely hold the ring perfectly closed. It may take weeks and several projects to master this, though, so don't panic if you don't hear this clicking sound immediately.
Don't Panic!Note: I'll say it again: don't panic as you go from step to step. You will be able to learn chain mail weaving, as it's called, using this method. These instructions have been classroom-tested by dozens of students, all of whom were able to weave chain mail by the end of a 2-hour class with minimal assistance from me. Without assistance, it may take you several tries through the instructions to learn it, but you will be able to do it easily in no time, and will probably find it as easy and addictive as crocheting, knitting, embroidery, beading, and other such crafts.
Open and Close a Bunch of Rings
Using both sets of pliers, one in each hand, open 20-30 copper rings to about a 30-degree angle. Practice doing this without picking the rings up with your fingers-just use your pliers, if possible.

Close about the same number of silver rings following the procedure above. (Click-click.)

Arrange your work area: Push all of the "raw" rings aside; we won't be working with them (only opened or closed rings). Make a loose grouping of copper rings and another of silver rings, leaving space in the middle to work in.
Row 11. With your dominant-hand pliers, pick up 1 open copper ring. Not with your fingers, with your pliers. Don't panic, it will take practice to do it, but you will learn it soon with very little practice.

2. Pick up 4 closed silver rings in the open ring. Again, don't use your fingers, use your pliers with the open ring in it. Don't panic, this is harder than step 1, but again with a little practice you will be able to do it.

3. Close the original copper ring. (Click-click.)

4. Put the assembly down on your work surface and arrange the rings exactly as shown in Figure 1. Take great care to make sure that your rings on your work surface are "flipped" the same directions as the ones in the figure.

Congratulations, you have just completed one basic unit of chain mail: European 4in1 chain mail, to be precise, because 4 rings are linked through each 1 ring.
Figure 2Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Figure 2Figure 2 assigns some letters to the rings to help later on in this process.
Figure 3Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Figure 35. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring D.
6. Pick up 2 closed silver rings in Ring D.
7. Join to the assembly by routing Ring D down through B and C.
8. Double-check your work! Close Ring D.
9. Look carefully at Figure 3 and arrange the rings exactly as shown, so that all of the copper rings are laying flat against each other facing one direction and all the silver rings are going the opposite direction. Double-check that your rings are laying exactly as shown. Take your time to make sure that it is exactly the same.

For wider pieces of chain mail, repeat steps 5 - 9 as many times as needed to get the width you need.

Congratulations, Row 1 is done!
Adding Width to Your Chain Mail ProjectFor wider pieces of chain mail, repeat steps 5 - 9 as many times as needed to get the width you need.

Congratulations, Row 1 is done!
Figure 4Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Row 2, Figure 410. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring E.
11. Pick up 2 closed rings in Ring E.
12. Join to the assembly by routing Ring E down through Ring A then up through Ring B.
13. Double-check your work! Close Ring E.

Again, arrange the rings carefully on your work surface and verify that the chain mail looks exactly like that in Figure 4.
Important: This is the step where most people get stuck in the way the new silver rings are "flipped", so be aware and beware: one silver ring must "flip" up and over on top of Ring B, while the other must flip down on top of Ring A. Double- and triple-check your work against the diagram.
Figure 5Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Drawn and rendered in 3D using POV-RAY. Row 2, Figure 514. Pick up 1 open copper ring. This is Ring H.
15. Pick up 1 closed silver ring in the open ring. This is Ring J.
16. Join to the assembly by routing down through F and B then up through Ring G.
17. Double-check your work! Then close Ring H.
18. Arrange the rings carefully on your work surface. Your chain mail should now look like Figure 5.

Row 2 is now complete!
Additional Rows/Length to Your Chain Mail ProjectRepeat steps 10 - 18 until your piece of chain mail is as long as you need it to be.
Note the Following
No ring goes through a ring of the same color.

No ring goes through more than 4 rings of the opposite color.

Each row ends with loose rings-the grouping of 4 is incomplete.
Tip: As with many crafts (crochet, knitting, tatting, weaving...) the first few rows generally look, well, wrong/messy. However, after you have completed row 2 of a chain mail project you will start to see the chain mail look appear. Also, you will find that with each row it will be easier to lay your work out properly on your working mat. As the project gets much longer, you need not worry about the earlier rows: just worry about the two active rows on the "front line" of your project.
A Great First Project: A BraceletTo make a nice bracelet for a man, woman, or child, simply repeat steps 10 through 18 (lengthening the chain mail off to the right of your existing work) until the piece of chain mail is long enough to fit around the wearer's wrist, leaving room to add a clasp to the middle ring on each side.
Note: Toggle clasps and magnetic clasps do not work well for this project because they tend to come loose. Use a lobster, spring ring, or "sister" clasp instead. Ask for advice at your local bead store if you aren't familiar with these types of clasps--bring your otherwise-complete project with you so that you can get personalized assistance and advice.
These instructions, illustrations, photos, and designs are copyright 2003, 2009 by Laura Schneider and are for personal use only; they may NOT be used for any other purposes without written permission.
About Ring MaterialsIf you are using stamped aluminum rings, you would want to tumble them in a "rock"/jewelry tumbler for quite awhile to get the sharp edges off and make them shiny. If you don't want shiny rings, add a little grit (see your local lapidary supply store for advice) to get a matte finish. Note that although I like aluminum for many things, I find it not so nice to work with--it makes your fingers black due to oxidation and I just don't like the "feel" of it in my hands as much as I do other metals. When working a big project or lots of pieces, that can be a big deal--your personal preference on how the rings feel in your hands while working them. Of course, for lightness and cheapness/affordability, aluminum can't be beat: I'm making a long skirt overlay out of aluminum rings, for example, which would be inappropriately heavy if done in stainless.
Generally, I prefer stainless steel rings for most projects, however, because it doesn't tarnish and it's solid to work with and produces a variety of effects. Tumble the stainless to get a high shine similar to your silverware/pots and pans, or tumble with grit to get a matte look. This can be done before or after the piece is completed as long as the only material in the tumbler is the stainless rings (add clasps after all tumbling is complete). Silver-colored stainless can be heat-treated to attain various darker colors, too. Refer to M.A.I.L. for instructions on how to do this as it's tricky (I've personally never attempted it, but will get up the guts one day). Once colored, however, it supposedly retains its color well, unlike rings with a patina or powder coating or anodized coating--the photos look awesome!
Bronze rings are another good option that feel similar to stainless steel and hold their color and shape well. They, too, should be heat-treatable for color changes and patinas can be applied to get all sorts of colors. An art supply store or lapidary/jewelry making supply company should be able to provide such patinas. Advice on patinas for various metals can often be found by hanging out in the art department of your local university, also.
Bracers/Vambraces Bracers made out of armor-grade stainless steel and fastened with leather laces. One was made for each arm, weighing 1/2 pound each.Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Solid Copper Statement Necklae A statement necklace out of copper rings in European 4-in-1. This necklace, sadly, went missing from its display case advertising my class.Source: Design and Photograph 2003 Laura Schneider Micro-mail: a Finger Ring Picture 1 of 2: A finger ring made of micromail (really tiny rings) in European 4-in-1 weaveSource: 2003 Laura Schneider Picture 2 of 2: The micromail ring, which is very comfortable to wear since it flexes with your every move.Source: 2003 Laura Schneider Medieval Renaissance 16G Haubergeon Chain Mail Replica Armor Long Shirt
Buy Now For more information...
Tools You Will Need to Build/Make a Suit of Chain Ma...
You'll need just a few simple tools to get a good start in making chain mail for jewelry or armor.

How to clean stainless steel chain mail
Luckily, there are many ways to clean chain mail made of stainless steel.

M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League
The best place in the universe to get information on the many different ring weaves that can be done, projects you can make, and more. Please contribute!

The Ring Lord
An excellent source for materials and tools you will need to make chain mail.
About the AuthorInformation about the author, a list of her complete works on HubPages, and a means of contacting her are available over on ==>Laura Schneider's profile page. But wait--please continue scrolling down to leave ratings and any comments you have about this article so that it can be improved to best meet your needs. Thank you!
All text, photos, videos, graphics, and chain mail designs in this document are Copyright 2013 Laura D. Schneider unless indicated otherwise or unless in the public domain. All rights reserved. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.


Setelah menjalani babak kualifikasi liga champions telah memasuki fase penyisihan grup yang dibagi menjadi 8 grup mulai dari grup A sampai dengan grup H yang masing masing terdiri dari 4 klub terbaik. Liga Champions merupakan liga antar klub eropa paling bergengsi, karena pesertanya merupakan klub klub terbaik di negaranya masing masing,dan para klub top eropa bahu membahu dan melakukan segala cara untuk menjuarai liga champions ini,karena merupakan liga paling prestisius di dunia dan tentunya akan sangat mempengaruhi pendapatan bagi klub itu sendiri,bagi para klub top eropa liga champions ini merupakan target utama selain menjuarai liga dinegara masing masing.

Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Champions 2014/2015 pastinya sudah ditunggu tungu para pecinta sepakbola di seluruh dunia tak terkecuali di negara Indonesia,karena sepakbola sendiri merupakan olahraga paling populer di dunia.bagi pecinta sepakbola khususnya liga champions Indonesia tak perlu khawatir karena stasiun televisi SCTV akan secara rutin menyiarkan Pertandingan Liga Champions 2014/2015.

Dengan kekuatan yang hampir merata setiap klubnya liga champions dipastikan akan sangat seru untuk ditonton,untuk itu bagi anda yang belum mengetahui Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Champion 2014/2015 Lengkap dapat anda simak dibawah ini:


Jadwal Pertandingan Fase Grup Liga Champions 2014/2015

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Real Madrid vs FC Basel
AS Monaco vs Bayer Leverkusen
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NK Maribor vs Sporting Clube de Portugal
FC Porto vs BATE Borisov
Athletic Bilbao vs Shakhtar Donetsk

Selasa, 30 September 2014 (grup E,F,G,H)
Manchester City vs AS Roma
CSKA Moskwa vs Bayern Muenchen
Paris Saint-Germain vs Barcelona
APOEL vs Ajax
Sporting Clube de Portuga vs Chelsea
Schalke vs NK Maribor
Shakhtar Donetsk vs FC Porto
BATE Borisov vs Athletic Bilbao

Rabu, 1 Oktober 2014 (grup A,B,C,D)

Malmo vs Olimpiakos
Atletico Madrid vs Juventus
FC Basel vs Liverpool
Ludogorets vs Real Madrid
Zenit St Petersburg vs AS Monaco
Bayern Leverkusen vs Benfica
Arsenal vs Galatasaray
Anderlecht vs Borussia Dortmund

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014 (grup E,F,G,H)
CSKA Moskwa vs Man. City
AS Roma vs Bayern Muenchen
APOEL vs Paris Saint-Germain
Barcelona vs Ajax
Schalke vs Sporting Clube de Portugal
Chelsea vs NK Maribor
BATE Borisov vs Shakhtar Donetsk
FC Porto vs Athletic Bilbao

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014 (grup A,B,C,D)

Atletico Madrid vs Malmo
Olimpiakos vs Juventus
Ludogorets vs FC Basel
Liverpool vs Real Madrid
Bayer Leverkusen vs Zenit St Petersburg
AS Monaco vs Benfica
Anderlecht vs Arsenal
Galatasaray vs Borussia Dortmund

Selasa, 4 November 2014 (grup A,B,C,D)
Malmo vs Atletico Madrid
Juventus vs Olimpiakos
FC Basel vs Ludogorets
Real Madrid vs Liverpool
Zenit St Petersburg vs Bayer Leverkusen
Benfica vs AS Monaco
Arsenal vs Anderlecht
Borussia Dortmund vs Galatasaray

Rabu, 5 November 2014 (grup E,F,G,H)
Manchester City vs CSKA Moskwa
Bayern Muenchen vs AS Roma
Paris Saint-Germain vs APOEL
Ajax vs Barcelona
Sporting Clube de Portugal vs Schalke
NK Maribor vs Chelsea
Shakhtar Donetsk vs BATE Borisov
Athletic Bilbao vs FC Porto

Selasa, 25 November 2014 (grup E,F,G,H)
CSKA Moskwa vs AS Roma
Manchester City vs Bayern Muenchen
APOEL vs Barcelona
Paris Saint-Germain vs Ajax
Schalke vs Chelsea
Sporting Clube de Portugal vs NK Maribor
BATE Borisov vs FC Porto
Shakhtar Donetsk vs Athletic

Rabu, 26 November 2014 (grup A,B,C,D) 
Atletico Madrid vs Olimpiakos
Malmo vs Juventus
Ludogorets vs Liverpool
FC Basel vs Real Madrid
Bayer Leverkusen vs AS Monaco
Zenit St Petersburg vs Benfica
Anderlecht vs Galatasaray
Arsenal vs Borussia Dortmund

Selasa, 9 Desember 2014 (grup A,B,C,D)
Olimpiakos vs Malmo
Juventus vs Atletico Madrid
Liverpool vs FC Basel
Real Madrid vs Ludogorets
AS Monaco vs Zenit St Petersburg
Benfica vs Bayer Leverkusen
Galatasaray vs Arsenal
Borussia Dortmund vs Anderlecht

Rabu, 10 Desember 2014 (grup E,F,G,H)

AS Roma vs Manchester City
Bayern Muenchen vs CSKA Moskwa
Barcelona vs Paris Saint-Germain
Ajax vs APOEL
Chelsea vs Sporting Clube de Portugal
NK Maribor vs Schalke
FC Porto vs Shakhtar Donetsk
Athletic Bilbao vs BATE Borisov

